I realize that but how long have these types of saws been out? I also realize that everything is going to be controlled by electronics and I for one, do not like it. It just makes things more complicated for the people that work on them.
I work on saws everyday being part of a Stihl/Echo/Shinny dealership and in my opinion you just don't have to worry about the Mtronics, we prolly have between 30 and 40 of them out, the vast majority are the 441CM's and most are in the hands of oak and walnut loggers. We have yet to have had one come in with any issues. The Amish just beat the he!! out of their saws and we've had several convert from 576's to 441CM's. This is not new technology, it has been around for several years in different configurations.
Hard to work on not hardly, just plug the cable in the diagnostic port, hook one cable on the plug and stick the other in the sparkplug boot and it connects to the computer by bluetooth, it walks you thru an idiot proof menu. There is also a manual reset sequence as well for the end user if he wishes to reset the saw. The computer controlling all the fuel parameters is something I like, compensates for clogged filters, humidity, altitude,quality of fuel etc. It keeps folks off the carb screws, we have to deal with less home tuners that believe the faster the run the better, we're to the point we remove the little screwdrivers that come with the saw, just trying to protect the average Joe from his/herself.
Our M-tronic has been run for over a year in a moderate sized firewood operation the boys run and it's prolly over the 100 cord mark easily and no issues.
I have two "normal carb" MS261's and just treated myself to a new 261CM last night. Whether it be Stihl or Husky electronically controlled saws are here to stay and are the future.
Four or five years ago on here the hottest topic was whether or not Strato saws would be worth a crap, look were we are, Strat's have taken the market, largely due to the EPA, but they sure haven't hurt performance either.