Very nicely done Sir Pour.
Points well taken. Defining Old School vs New School need more definition than exercise extreme caution. That goes for both schools. As far as climbing arborists certain lines are drawn at how they are different, not how one is better than another, but distinct lines of demarcation. There are gray areas and overlaps here and there, but the major distinctions between new and old school climbing should be spelled out.
What about SRT Tech who was trained in a completely other discipline where friction hitches don't exist? What about tower climbers who enter into tree care? Search and Rescue guys? Firemen? Do you think a SWAT guy throws on a friction hitch to scale doown the side of a building. These guys are coming in with nothing but new school climbing methods. Until they climb with some traditional tree climbers, they may not know that friction hitches even exist. Their methods are tried and true and have been around since the fifties and the advent of synthetic lines. They are current, widely used by all aerial disciplines except us, and I would rate this as tried and true and tested. There are dozens of books written on the subject and tapes and DVDs and training systems gall over the world, all NEW SCHOOL. No books, however, are written on Tree Climbers and new school methods. We're stuck in our own traditions and conventions.
Tree Climbers went with half inch (13 mm) climbing lines and used friction hitches on a 2:1 DdRT system. The rest of the climbing world went to 11 mm (and smaller) and the use of devices, climbing and descending on 1:1 systems controlling friction through the device in front of them.
That's the big line of difference. Some traditional climbers are using 11 mm, but still with the friction hitches; old school methods using new school rope diameter.[/QOUTE]
and i have taken this even further - by combining Old and New styles & equipment together, in other words "SRT/DRT/DdRT Hybrid style". example: I might use DRT, but i'll use a Petzl Rescucender instead of a Blakes hitch. Or i'll use a TiBloc and footloop instead of footlocking or a prussick foot loop........