Hello all! It has been quite a while since I've posted. Not too much going on as it has been rain non-stop for at least a month. With the ground drying out, we got to some more homeowner projects. First on the list was to put in a garden bed on the front of the house.
Edge done with the myriad of rocks from the property, and mulched out. We will continue to add plants as we get them.
I also did a side bed on the garage. dont seem to have any photos.
Took time to cut down the gypsy moth nests that i could find and give them the proper send off. Dont need those guys taking over the neighborhood.
Alright, might as well update the firewood debacle. That maple that was taken down has proved to be quite a headache. The size of the rounds, the knots and sheer diameter have made hand splitting strenous. I have been working my way through and setting aside the difficult sections to fall prey to my neighbors hydraulic splitter. I also cleaned up the splitting area.
Some old super dry pine im splitting for a friend's firepit. Stuff is like paper, but should burn hot and quick.
starter splitter trash gathered so far.
the stuff to the right of the tire is the pile of unsplittables. there is a large amount of wood there still.
Pieces i need to buck up and get split. Waiting for it to not be 92 degrees outside.
What ive gotten so far out of the second load
Overview. Ive weedwhacked the brush back and am working on cleaning up and getting access to the gardens.
Thats it for now, hopefully i can get back on track with more consistent updates.