Del that is a beautiful picture very nice stove. I bought a Blaze King last fall works great but it is in the kitchen and I cannot watch it from my living room. I am jealous !
Thanks Jeff. I've never seen a Blaze King in person but have seen lots of photos and from what is said they are a most excellent wood stove.
We call our F600CB 'Yo' or 'Big Yo' as in half of the word yo-yo. Yo sits in our downstairs open floor plan 28ft X 43ft area.
We are 100% wood heat and do not have a backup heating system.
Our Jotul F3CB (Little Yo) is sitting on a hearth in this same room but is not connect to the chimney. We'd like to hook up Little Yo some day but our 3 chimneys date back to just after the civil war and lining one was enough expense. We bought Little Yo in 1994 and moved to this house in 2000 where we used if for a couple of years but our floor plan cried out for a larger wood stove. Bought Big Yo in 2003 I believe. Big Yo has about double the heat output of Little Yo. Many times in early fall and late spring I wish Little Yo were hooked up. It would be perfect for those times.
Big Yo takes 24 inch wood and I cut to 23 inches.
Little Yo takes up to 18 inch wood.
We don't use any fans or blowers in our wood heating system and enjoy it being quiet.