Lobo said:
I am sure your ex must have recognised that when she dumped you !
Thanks for the concern Lobo.
Actually, since you have alluded to working in the mental health profession, my ex is an untreated manic depressive(she has been diagnosed but refuses treatment), she is to this day, and there is one very common validation characteristic that manic-depressives exhibit, can you guess what it may be? It makes things tough for a spouse or significant other. C`mon, exhibit some of your assumed accumen.
Since you brought my ex up, do you realize that even though I have been divorced for two years, my ex continues to live in my finished basement because I provide her with a safe haven, just as I did through 14 years of marriage.
Such a cheap shot Lobo, maybe you really are a nasty little man with psych isssues of your own.

Don`t forget Lobo, I have stared down many dragons, the least of which wouldn`t even be you, you don`t exist that high on the food chain.
BTW, have you been to "whatsthebestlawnmower" lately or won`t they let you in anymore? Last I heard, they were considering legal action.