ArboristSite Operative
Ya no biggy on the part replacement, the way I look at it is if I can do it anybody can (although I could save them som expence). Thanks for the heads up on the screws also. I'll check mine before I use again.
Once again, Speeco is very big in the splitter sales and it's good to hear they are taking care of the problem.
Sorry, I have to say it, I saved over $1000 dollars, I'm still way ahead of the game. Still not disappointed with my purchase at all.
One has to wonder...if the rack gear is improperly heat treated, then what about the pinion gear? I would want to replace both. SpeeCo and TSC was very good to work with on my out-of-ballance issue, and I sure hope that continues with this gear issue. Personally, I would prefer to make the repair myself for two reasons: 1) I know it will be repaired correctly, and 2) it will be less hastle and less down time. From what I have experienced with my SpeedPro splitter, and after reading each thread on this forum, the root cause of all the issues seems to be a lack of quality control. The issues I had with my new splitter were: 1) flywheels were out of ballance, 2) pinion gear bearings did not turn smoothly (i.e. could feel rough spots when rotating the bearings), 3) left-hand lock washers on right-hand bolts in three locations, and 4) no dust caps came with the wheels. All of these issues could, and should, be caught with some good quality control measures in place. How hard is it to put the right parts in the crate, and how hard is it to insure the flywheels are properly ballanced? If they're out of ballance, don't ship them! With proper ballancing, these machines, and any others for that matter, should run as smooth as silk with virtually no movement at all when they're idling...regardless of the throttle position. Just like a well ballanced wheel on an automobile, you can run it at 1 m.p.h., 100 m.p.h., or anywhere in between and it will be smooth. It's not rocket science, just simple mechanics. I hope SpeedPro makes good on this low quality rack issue. I've already saved them a considerable amount of money on mine by making my own repairs...hopefully they'll show their appreciation by continuing to take care of their customers!