As a result of what's happened with the Speeco, it has left a huge void in the market for another company to bring out yet another version of the kinetic splitter. The profit margin being enjoyed by both Super Split and DR leaves ample room for another company to fill the void with quality made machine that could potentially sell for 30/40% less than either the SS or DR both of which are top notch excellent machines.
You'll prolly see MTD enter the market with a machine. Like many have said if you start costing out the components the machines are likely costing the mfgs, less than a thousand dollars in materials. I would anticipate that you'l see a company start shipping in the components broken down in containers from either China or India and assemble them here to save on freight, and take advantage of any duty loopholes that may exist. Then you use unskilled minimum wage labor to assemble them. It's just a matter of time before it happens. I don't agree with it, but it is inevitable, Paul and his predecessor at SuperSplit paved the way for all these other knockoffs, maybe if they would have had a good patent attorney, kept making operational changes in the machine, kept the patent a moving target it might have held the competition off for a few years. i just received the CD and marketing material from DR, I wonder how many poor sob's have fell for their "buy it on their credit plan" no payment for 6 months, then in fine print it shows that 24.99% interest starts after the six months, holy chit Martha, talk about legalized loan sharking. Put a pencil to 25% interest on the unpaid balance on those babies.
I really need one of these type splitters, the only thing that has held me back is I just don't know if we are going to run our wood business after this year, my health is up and down, I have to depend on the boys to run it on a daily basis and they are starting to have other opportunities, but if I were going to by one tomorrow it would be a SuperSplit, for the 700-800.00 you are getting a machine that is proven, proven in hard commercial use, built in the USA by a man you can get on the phone, over the lifetime of the machine, prolly twenty years or more the extra 800.00 equates to about 40.00 a year more a hair over 3.00 a month. The bitter taste of marginal quality will last much longer than the sweetness of what was thought to be a bargain. I learned the hard lesson 35 years ago with a cheap tool set, I learned to save and buy only when I had the funds to get what I really wanted, I seldom ever have to replace Wiha,Wera,S&K,Knipex,Klein Craftsmen or Snap-On tools, they were a long term investment.
Speeco will get it figured out, they know the demand is there, they rushed in without the proper testing on the front side, or partnered up with the wrong Chinese factory, they'll get the issues ironed out, the heat treating down and hopefully make it right with those who laid down their hard earned cash. But I think you'll see many variations of these machines that hit the market in the next yeat, some better than others.