I spoke with grant today. He hasn't had anything to do with BC Hydro or the vegetation management program in 1.5 years! he is retired!
I was forwarded to Brian Fisher. I spoke to him at length about the issue and he says that once in a while a ROW guy will sneak up with hooks on. He also agrees that climbing big old growth trees is easier without spikes as you basically need two guys to help flip each others lines up the backside of the tree. He says that he has investigated this issue, and CLEARANCE specifically, numerous times over the last two years. He said each time he gets the phone calls he goes out to all the subs and asks around and NOONE has the balls to own up to being CLEARANCE. He thinks CLEARANCE is a angry little man who was turned down or fired from BC Hydro and since BC Hydro is such a big co. they are an easy target.
Brian also tells me that spikes aren't even allowed on the trucks who do backyard/residential type utility climbing even on REMOVALS!!! He said only advanced climbing methods are acceptable where the public may see/come in contact with the trimmers.
SO............Clearance whats the next step? Wanna tell us your real name and we'll really get the ball rolling on you being a hack trimmer?
Brian Fisher told me to let everyone know he would be more than happy to answer any questions on BC Hydros practices while trimming on his office line @ 1-250-755-4722
Alright Boston Bull, and everyone else, here we go. I finally spoke to Brian Fisher on the phone, yesterday, July 10, after e-mailing him with my information so he would know exactly who I was. As I told him, and will now tell you, and anyone else who doubts my word, my name is Jim Barber, my certificate of qualification (Province of British Columbia, Industry Training Authority) in the trade of utility arborist is numbered 00107-TT-04, my power system safety protection authorization ( British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority) number is 9007340. After your post quoted here I was stunned that man of Mr. Fishers stature in the utility vegetation world would tell someone such B.S., I had a friend call him up with the number you supplied and she spoke to him. He told her pretty much what he told you, and also said I posted when I was drunk, that he had searched in B.C. Hydro for me as "Clarence" and that he couldn't even sue me because he didin't know who I was. He sent me an e-mail asking where I was working and who I work for. I called him yesterday and was to the point and blunt with him. I first asked him about this spurless climbing b.s., I told him I had never climbed spurless, never seen it done, and never heard of a c.u.a. (certified utility arborist) doing it for B.C. Hydro. He replied that in some backyards in Victoria (Provincial capital, on Vancouver Island) trees are spurless climbed. A pretty weak and lame answer, even if it is true, some backyards in one city in a huge province? I asked him if he knew about Arboristsite and if he had talked to an American fellow from that site, he said he had but denied insulting me. He played dumb, but he tone of his voice, which had changed from being deep and confident at the very beginning of our conversation to a higher pitch and faster delivery told me he was lying, I believe you as to what he said to you B.B.. He said that "we encourage proper arboricultural practices, such as spurless climbing thin barked trees" Really, never heard of it. He was angry with me, he was caught lying and called on it, obviously not used to being spoken to like that at all. He kept using the phrase "we use proper practices doing treework at B.C. Hydro", I took issue with that as well and told him to quit saying "we", he doesn't climb, isn't a c.u.a., just a powerfull manager at B.C. Hydro who can probably make things difficult for me. He also told me that he had been in contact with Tom Dunlap, which I find amusing, since Tom didn't share that with us here, but rather said it wasn't up to him to police the I.S.A. or to call people across different time zones, meaning B.C. Hydro. All the while appraising Brian Fisher of me, no doubt. Near the end of our conversation, he told me I was trashing B.C. Hydro (not true at all), and I asked him, basically "so what are you going do about it, take away my p.s.s.p.?" That would end my employment, as you need a valid p.s.s.p. number to work on Hydro's system. He said "No, I'm not, but you'd like that wouldn't you?" Pretty clear he knew I had him by the short hairs and if anyone was going to be sued it would be him and B.C. Hydro. So, again, I climb with spurs to trim, all the c.u.a.s I have ever known climb with spurs at all times for B.C. Hydro. This is a pretty pathetic situation, a man lying to people, the public and fellow I.S.A. arborsits, and badmouthing a guy who does his best to keep the power on for the people in this province. So, you know who I am, perhaps you could call up Asplundh B.C. in Aldergrove and ask someone there about this spurless crap if you still doubt me. I know this isn't the end, I expect some sleazy, underhanded retatliation, my cards are on the table, bring it on.