?? "WELL" marshy, you win the prize for the right guess!! hooked up to the first log and started the retrieve and the tongue buckled up with a loud "SNAP"... that's all for today after 15 minutes of logging! back to the three point for the rest of the day ... still managed to get out 11 nice logs at 16'.4" to salvage the test run so I don't feel to bad. the weak spot wasn't hard to0 see but what do you do? just keep trying like the steer hey!Looks good. I think the first place its going to break is the section of tube to the hitch. It just looks a lot smaller than the rest of the build. Nice job.
or something heavier than a 2" x 11 gauge square tube for a tongue...3"-4" x 1/4" wall square tube will work, I would keep it long otherwise it will want to lift the tow vehicle a lot easierneed to add an extra axel to the rear to support the leverage of the a frame. a shorter tongue of 12" max/drop pin with an added cross member of 3x3x3/16 behind the tongue to square the main frame. same for the extended rear frame for the added axel with a log cradle to rest the log/s to take the pressure off the winch line during the skid. another couple hundred bucks should do it.
with the hitch going to be a drop pin the extension will be a foot forward of the "A" and to the axel center it should be close to 5 feet.... with the addition of the second axel the diff will be an added 5 feet to the rear where it will be coupled. so the boom as it sets will extend about 12" to 18" behind the log rest!How long from the hitch to the first axle, and from the tongue to the triangulation at the front of the frame?