That's better.
Firstly your rakers are too high.
Go to the Milling 101 thread which is a sticky at the top of this forum and ready the last few pages of the thread.
start at this post (#106)
In that thread and elsewhere I refer to "raker angle" -its not the angle across the top of the raker tip, because that should still be curved.
Instead it's the angle made by the blue lines in the picture - the top but line is parallel to the bar
As a "general guide" the raker depth "D" should be 1/10th of the gullet width "G"
Remember this is a general guide - your depth will vary with, type of wood, power of saw, length of bar etc Ultimately you need to determine what they should be.
The next thing that is incorrect is the lack of hook the red lines shows what you should have.
The technical name for this is top plate filing angle.
This angle is really important because it goes hand in hand with the raker angle, too little and you will need to push much harder than necessary, too much and the chain will bog down.
Here are a couple of cutters showing more like what they should look like.