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I am far from perfect, I have cut off my holding wood as well, and put a tree across a three phase powerline because of that error, and more, over the years, and not just with chainsaws..... Whatever works for you T.H., just don't b.s. about falling here, it ain't gonna work.
Nobody is perfect, I have got the saw in a pinch a couple of times, because I made short-cuts on side-leaners on a steep slope (didn't care to use the wedges) - and I believe most of us has done similar mistakes......:bang: :bang:
Btw, one of the trees went downhill, not where I wanted it,
when I cut the saw out with an axe....

- I was really sloppy that day, and didn't bring another bar or saw either.
Btw, the other trees on that ridge went the right way, thanks to triangular holding wood - they all leaned downhill, but landed on the ridge, 90 degrees or more off natural fall direction....
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