I have used a rope plenty of times. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling in your belly to know that if the holding wood in the tree you are working on gives it up that the $375,000 dollar house that is 30 feet away won't become an insurance adjusters next project. A rope in the woods, prolly a waste of time. As a safety device next to valuable property, it has a place.
OK. First the disclaimer. I don't know jack about fellin' trees. I've done a few, and watched pros take down a few, but I'm a rank ametuer.
Now, it's very possible I'll ask TH to take down a tree for me someday. I like him, seem's honest, appears to be a family man, and he's provided lots of feedback from his experience.
TH has a method that works. Provided he's shooting straight, he's gotta lotta tress under his boots. Everyone has a slightly different method, and that's OK.
But, to suggest wedges are all that's needed in most cases while a rope is necessary for only a few, well consider this. I like the fact that he uses the same technique all the time. No thinkin' or debatin', just here's how we do it, let's get it done. Kinda like wearin' a seat belt. Well, I don't need it to just run a block to the store, but I needd it for the vacation trip. No, he does it one, safe way, and it becomes a habit. A safe habit is your friend.
Please consider this. Saving a $375k home makes sense. But, if you own a 50' trailer that's 20 years old, it is still a mans/womans castle and deserves the same care, caution and respect shown to a larger home.
Based on TH comments here, he can take out MY trees near MY castle.
TH, and TC, I'll drink a toast to you tonight.
Oh, I do realize that TH is big enough to take care of himself.