Nik's Poulan Thread

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I hope that y'all have a great time :rock:! Remember to take & post plenty of videos, & some photos as well.

In Ohio, peddling as fast as I can.

Snake oil?

Nice catch! Especially since Gary is a member (perhaps the president?) of the ArboristSite Spelling & Grammar Police :msp_lol:.
That was super good time and Thanks Gregg for hosting another great gtg. :msp_thumbsup::cheers:

Also some super nice sticks of wood to test in too. :msp_thumbup:


Fantastic GTG! Very happy that I was able to make it. I love saws and all, but the people and fellowship is where its at for me. I didnt want to miss this one, too many of you guys that I havent seen in a while- or hadnt met yet. Its hard to to get to know people over the pc in m opinion. Im sure I have came off as a turd once or twice even, and those of you guys who had the chance to meet me can know for sure now haha.
On a serious note... Beautiful place Gregg! I will PM you in the next day or two, I want to send you a little something to say thanks. I did forget to grab a coozie, but I was running late as it was and had to scoot. Thank you so much for hosting such a fine event. Just wish I could have been there even earlier.

All the Ohio clan, good to see you guys again. Enjoyed bsin'g with you Nik. Very glad I got to meet you Mark, its too bad you arent closer, I think you and I would get along fine. You have fine taste in saws too haha. I will try to fix ya up with what I was talking about earlier, need to send one Greggs way too.
Just glad I could meet you all! Sorry for rambling. And Mike, that 372 is out of this world (but you know that)! Enkoyed every bit of the GTG, wish I could do some cutting and spend some time with you all more often. Hope everyone has a safe trip home! If any of you fellas every need anything, and are out my way.. dont hesitate to ask! Bunch of fine folks you all are.
As bad as I hated to miss yet another Poulan GTG, the green gods smiled down on me anyways today...

Just how I got em. Well, a half a tank later on the 5400. ;)







As bad as I hated to miss yet another Poulan GTG, the green gods smiled down on me anyways today...

Just how I got em. Well, a half a tank later on the 5400. ;)

The Poulan guys get together for some fellowship and you snag the deals as they are away. Cant help but say that I like your strategy wiggz haha. Nice finds!
Another top notch GTG hosted by Gregg, Lori, Lanny, Jerry, their mom and Kevin. Folks don't get more hospitable than they are. Beautiful scenery, great food, and oh yeah, a few cool saws. :msp_biggrin: Of course we all know the fellowship is the greatest part of any GTG, particularly the Poulan group. Thank you again Gregg, can't wait till next year!
I have LOTS of vids, but no broadband to upload them with. I hope to start posting them tomorrow evening when I get home.

Gregg and clan, thanks again for a fantastic GTG. I had a great time hanging out with friends and running some great saws.

Jeremy, what you have there are a couple of the finest, best running saws of their day! The 5200/5300/8500 are fantastic runners.
Awesome GTG

I had a great time! Great to get back and visit with old Poulan friends and meet some new ones. Gregg and family did an awesome job! Got a few pics but it'll be a day or two before they're up. Gotta go back today and pack up the trailer and make it back to NC.
Gary, Steve and Brad took most of the pics. They're either on the road or partying right now : ) BTW, heard you're a hell of a welder.

Like the man in black said, I do have some some pictures and will load them later. Still need to unload the saws too, think I need to do that first.

As others have said, thanks to Gregg and his family for hosting another great GTG. Loads of big wood for the big saws, thanks to everyone for allowing others to run their equipment. I left before the rain came, by the time I got to Bluffton it was a steady drizzle and was raining hard in Lima.

I-75 was shut down for Mitt Romney to make an appearance in Dayton, took a bit longer than planned to get home.
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Whose file do I have?

Someone handed me a file yesterday when I tackled the buggered up chain on 3700 I bought on Friday. When I was leaving I just tossed it in my toolbox with the rest of the stuff and now realize it is not mine. I know it won't break the bank, but it was not my intention to take it with me. If it is needed I can put it aside or replace it with another one next year.

Starting the upload process now. Unfortunately my daughter has about 500 pictures and video on the camera that have to load before I can start sending them to Photobucket and Youtube.

My camera was on a tripod and was downwind from the campfire and reeks of smoke....
I had a great time at the GTG yesterday. I observed several "Pull-on models" that I had never seen before.

Got to meet the regional gang again and enjoyed talking with them.
Some GTG pictures

Between cleaning up the saws and my other chores, I have been doing some uploads. Here are some pictures of the event yesterday. No doubt where we were, judging by the location of the dealer I would guess this belongs to Dean (Igpoe). [EDIT - Gregg says this is Steve's (67Mustang) sign.]


Our esteemed host (OhioGregg).


Mike (rms61moparman) won the best hat award.


Taking a lunch break.


Some of the saws in attendance with Igpoe showing the proper tree support pose.

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