Mister Wizard
LOL. Thanks Steve! I feared I didn't bid enough, and would have to battle the snipers at the end.
Will see how good or bad it is when and if it arrives. I Had trouble one time with a bar I bought. UPS driver showed up with just the sleeve.He said it was a common thing to have happen.
Got my fingers crossed.
A while ago an ebay seller sent me my nice 31" Cannon RN in a stihl bar sleeve 'secured' with a few small bits of packing tape. The roller end had punched through, and the roller had a new looking ding on it. I was lucky that the bar hadn't escaped.:censored:
More recently, a fellow sent me a Craftsman 3.4 (red Poulan 3400) 'rebuilder' in trade. Just put the powerhead, bar, and chain in a box with a smaller box packed with it to keep it from moving around too much. Well the smaller box got smashed during the trip..............letting the powerhead, bar, and chain bash around inside the box until the bar punched an escape hole and took the chain with it. God only knows where they are now. The mangled, ripped box (with powerhead inside) was on my doorstep, setting within a plastic USPS mail tub...