HHHMMMMM, Just last week I bought a 028 super, 041 fb, Homelite XL (small one), Poulan Pro 295, Stihl HS45 hedge trimmers, Echo HC 1500 hedge trimmers, and a Poulan 3700 for $60 out of a junk yard. His boss sells them to him for $2 each so the hand in the back makes a little extra pocket change. The only one with a scored piston was the 028 super but I just happen to have 4 on hand. Bunch of carb kits and they are ready to go, already sold the Echo trimmers for enough to cover the others.
In December I bought a Husky 372 (clean saw same place) with a scored piston for $65 by itself but he wasn't budging on the price, oh well I still gave it. BTW, the Husky got new seals, fuel lines, impulse line, piston, and carb kit and she is waiting on money now, cleaned up really good and I think it'll bring close to $500 but gotta wait on tax checks to start rolling.
Yep, gotta find those scrapyards and then the right guy in them. There is one huge one here that only takes nonferrous metals and they won't talk to me at all. Sorry bastiges..................