25 is a good 4wheeler saw but not a vertical piston like a 3400. Me personally would use a 25 or a 2000, lighter and easier to strap on the rack.
Thx, turned out good. Thinkin it’ll need a good size bar thrown on it
I want to get a saw small saw for the 4 wheeler. What is the smallest saw that is an upright like the 3400. Old mag case Jr version of the 3400 style. Help me out
Got it off. Plenty of heat and smoke from the PB Blaster. Never ran into a clutch that was so persistent.
I want to get a saw small saw for the 4 wheeler. What is the smallest saw that is an upright like the 3400. Old mag case Jr version of the 3400 style. Help me out
- Nice! 2400 that he would part with
Same saw rear handle. Those 38 cc Poulans can handle more that you think. I bucked up some 10 " black locust for fun a few weekends ago. Surprised that heck out of me.
I gave one of those to ms460woodchucks kids when he was younger. Good light trim saws and can run a 16" if needed.
Might ask him if he still has it.
Mine's the Craftsman version with the 18" bar. If I was not running a square chain I would drop it down to a 16. I like the extra reach...
If you want something bigger with less weight check out the Poulan 3300,335/ Craftsman 3.3. More power than the 295's almost the same weight, easy to work on and handles small to large ( 12-14" ) wood. The bad little more money, harder to find than a 295 and no chain brake. I strap mine on the quad rack with one bungie all of the time. It's just me I like a larger cc saw on my quad went doing a once over on the trails at camp. If there are any fresh falls I like to be able to make quick cuts and move on.
I just remembered you did all of those weights on Chainsaw Repair. Good info!The Poulan 295 is 1 1\2 pounds lighter than a 335. Of course the 295 is only 46cc and the 335 is 54cc so it does have more power.
I have a few questions that probably have been answered years ago... I just can't find. Does anyone know the wrist pin diameter for a 4200? Is a 5200 cylinder a direct swap? Anyone ever tried a 066 p/c with the intake sealed off on a 5200 - is the bolt pattern almost the same - I see the stroke is pretty close ? I'm not doing anything. They are curiosity questions.
Thanks!5200 P&C is a direct swap on a 4200.
Wrist pin dia is .5118" dia (13mm).
5200 piston dia is 2.06" or 52.32mm
Pm sentI took one out of a homelite super 240 and put in my 1994 poulan 2000 once. Still in there today.
So you might have a donor laying around. If not holler have plenty of them now days not getting used in those.