Yep, still waiting, be winter soon again.
MIght be hard as its a partner designed saw I believe. Had one and it ran great but I sold it. 135 isn't that bad.Yes it runs , the mac is higher in compression and a little buzzy thing. I was doing a little cutting today with the pp325 and noticed a muffler bolt broken off. Pulled it apart and saw the piston is scored a bit . It runs fine but only blows 135 . Can you find pistons and is it worth chasing a few psi ?
View attachment 679796 View attachment 679797
I would stand in line to buy a plastic poulan for double if Demi was selling it . LOL !????? Was just thinking about how many is to many saws and that line from G I Jane came to my crazy mind. They were talking about blowing sh.. up
Ouch! Stitches?I just lost the battle with my bench grinder View attachment 680340