Interestingly enough this carb is off a 4200 which was supposed to have the un governed 168 buy I got it with the 172
Sent from my E6810 using Tapatalk
Confusing, but did you mean “with the 176”?
The HS-168 was on the 4200, no gov’r.
The HS-176 was on the 5200 with gov’r.
The governor spring & ball will vibrate/oscillate above a certain RPM, and the ball oscillations open the port to the main jet & floods the saw.
Governors keep the “non-tuner” type folks from burning up the top end if the saw is leaned out & over speeded. I leave them in as cheap insurance...if they’re working right.
At first, that brass plug in your photo looked way too short to do anything, but then realized it is a fully threaded body & you screw it all the way past flush to block off the old exit hole.