I wonder which 2700 he has myself. The metal crank cased one or the plastic cased one? Guy said there was a plastic 2700 Canada. Never seen one to date.
Thinking there was a 2750 plastic in US and some were calling it a 2700. We had a thread on both years ago. http://chainsawrepair.createaforum.com/poulan/poulan-2700/
Get that gasket kits as they are cheap like 6 and the others might be needed down the road. Some are for other poulans too in series. .
2700 metal cased will be bare bore with chromed piston. Just like a 2800. Check the impulse line, fuel line, fuel filter, carb kit. Seem to be what most that come in need. 3x6 echo black oem line for impulse. Check you duckbill tank vent deal too.
2700 metal cased I had. Pic testing the blue stens out.

Thinking there was a 2750 plastic in US and some were calling it a 2700. We had a thread on both years ago. http://chainsawrepair.createaforum.com/poulan/poulan-2700/
Get that gasket kits as they are cheap like 6 and the others might be needed down the road. Some are for other poulans too in series. .
2700 metal cased will be bare bore with chromed piston. Just like a 2800. Check the impulse line, fuel line, fuel filter, carb kit. Seem to be what most that come in need. 3x6 echo black oem line for impulse. Check you duckbill tank vent deal too.
2700 metal cased I had. Pic testing the blue stens out.