No doubt it would be slower but if it was wearing a 48" it would knock you flat on your butt.
I can relate to that, I had a couple bruises from running my ported 90+cc saw and pinched in the under buck two different times and it shot out and hammered my quad, I about dropped to ground, it was a natural reaction getting hit that hard right then, then I turned around and done it again, but wasn't near as bad
I can imagine a big gear drive hurting too but it probably wouldn't shoot out quite as fast
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I was talking with my local saw shop technician and he said one of their customers ( a retired football player) purchased a 660 to remove several large trees in his yard, customer called a day or so later and said great saw and he had most of the trees on the ground already, two or so weeks go by and Customer’s father comes in, says the son got saw pinched and it kicked back , bar / chain hit him in the face, knocked him out cold , he woke up tasting his own blood and blood pouring down his face, somehow walked to his truck got a towel covered his face and drove himself to the hospital. Walks in emergency room and tells nurse he needs attention asap. She says take a seat, he pulls towel off face and she screams. His eye is hanging out etc. Bar went three inches into his face
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Only kick back I had was a screw driver and a grinder, screwed me up for 4 months. I try to be very careful with the saws but I'm sure it happens faster than you can blink. Be safe my friends
I was conversing with a guy that was running a 5200 that pinched in the cut with a 28" bar buried when he was bucking up a tree.
It kicked the entire unit out of the log and hit him in the leg. Bad bruise. Good thing it wasn't his middle leg.
I can only imagine what a big gear drive would do.
Only 4 saws, we may have to work on that.
I've got a PP 375 that needs new return springs under the flywheel pawls, how do those go on? Are the top of posts removable?
Never had a pair, have looked into getting a pair.Well that's good then. Do ya wear chaps? Just bought a set last week. Bloody hot things aren't they
I do wear my ear muffs, of course I can't hear to well any way, loud rock music from my early years, leather steel toe boots and glasses, blind as a bat if I don't wearem, and padded leather gloves to less the vibs, shake enough at times as it is. Get the shakes real bad when I'm on a palet on the bobcat trimming trees real high and the bobcat rocks, bought stain your drawers.
Pink FloydI cant imagen running a saw without muffs and it always makes me wonder when you read stuff about saws like aww there very loud you're going to needs muffs... like what the hell do people run a saw without them? I get it in the 60s but now surely.
I hope it was good music that bugged your lug holes Steve
Pink Floyd
I've got a PP 375
You can wind the springs on if you just take the time to look and understand how they fit . It's not a easy job to knock the pins out