I love the Stihl PS and can still get it made in custom (non Stihl DL counts) from the Stihl Dealer in St Paul. I had a couple loops square ground before the guy I knew sold his Silvey.
I seem to get so many loops of various designs of Oregon low profile chain because every junk saw I get has a loop or two with it so I haven’t needed to buy any LP in years. I am down to my last 62 DL loop and it’s probably down to ten percent cutter so may need one next spring. Philbert was mentioning that you can get full chisel in LP from Archer but I haven’t looked into that yet.
I just made a 62DL PS3 for a echo 400. Local guys saw.
He loves the stuff compared to the semi it came with.
He couldnt believe it when I told him my used poulan A041 fit his echo.
Yes on the archer and others now too. Have threads on them. But cost is close to what I buy stihl at in 25'-100' . Couple bucks a loop difference if buying bulk. If price comes down someday I will test them out. But figure will be softer like the other archer.