Well…. Haven’t cut much since moving and was out clearing some area woods to put in an electric fence. The tune on the 3700 is off and it wasn’t cutting good so I used my Husky instead. I was cutting and my wife was using using our tractor to shove the piles of brush and wood out of the way. In the process she punctured the fuel line. I had her shut it off real quick and put my hand on the line to stop the leak. Had her run to the house to grab some tape so we could quick redneck patch it to drive it back to the work shop. She hopped on the golf cart and accidentally ran over the 3700. I had put it down to switch and hadn’t thought much of it. She was in a rush and didn’t see it. Bar is jacked and trash along with the chain. Case is a little beat up and I think the bolt that holds the anti vibe mount underneath for the handle is bent a little. May be able to straighten that in the vise. I have my hard nose 22” bar but need a new chain. Can find a bar cheap if I need to and need to look over the saw more.
Ended up using some plumbers emergency tape to fix the fuel line on the tractor and covered it with gorilla tape. Miraculously it seems it broke in a spot that I can cut the line at the puncture and shorten the line is all. There’s like an extra foot of fuel line so it should be an easier fix than expected. Ironic thing is I have the fuel shut off flipped off and it seems to be dripping from the fuel filter now but my hack job repair is dry.