Hello there,
Today I bought a real good running Craftsman saw, for $150 Canadian. I see now I may have paid a bit much, but I was impressed with the excellent condition the previous owner kept it in since new, and it seems more than capable of doing what I want (occasional felling, and the odd bit of framing carpentry
I've determined that it is based on a Poulan 3400, and that's why I'm here!
Model #: 358-41418
It was originally purchased in 1987, Sears Canada. Manual says 1985 on the print date. I am thinking the 41418 is a Canadian only number possibly? The manual that came with it covers 358.59516, 59318, and 59520 models, and the 41418 is just stamped on with block letters and ink, something I'm not unaccustomed to seeing with stuff adapted to the Canadian market.
This does have a chain break.
It has an 18" bar, according to the manual, it will take an Oregon P76 LP chain, Craftsman 16-20" SNR LOW KICK bar.
I cant believe how many pages are in this thread, incredible resource, but not sure I can navigate through it all. I did try a few pages.
My googling has had me at this site all day, and it has been the best source I've found, so I've taken the plunge.
Wondering what anyone might be able to tell me about this saw, what I can expect from it, results with a larger bar, etc. Am I better off looking for Poulan parts? not sure what differences. All very new to me.
I also have a Makita DCS400. It seems capable enough, but maybe a little small.
Thanks for having me aboard!