Mister Wizard
Picked up a couple nice NOS 16" roller nosed bars!
They were listed on Ebay as a Mac bar but they sure looked like the original Poulan bars. The seller has some more if anyone wants any. For a $20 BIN there not too bad.
Well I'm not sure there NOS Poulan or not but they will fit just like them! I think I will fit a 306 or something with them.
Here they are with a original Poulan branded 16" roller bar.
Nice score Mark. The Poulan branded bar is the bottom one (with the 'fatter' profile) in your pic correct? I have a 20" roller nose bar that looks exactly like that except for length on a Homelite XL12 parts saw I got a while ago. Haven't pulled it and looked closely for markings yet. Bet I find "Poulan" on it...