Mister Wizard
Richen the High side Nick.
Hi guys,
Been pretty busy lately. My dairy farmer freind just sold the last of his milking cows saturday. really sad. He has never done anything else all of
his life. It's been a very hard time for he and his family. The margin that a dairyman is supposed to work within is extremley narrow. Being a small
operation, in a non-farming community also didn't help. I'm into maple syrup, That will be coming in soon. I'm going to see if I can lift his spirits
with some sweet steam.... I fully realize that this is off topic, but I wanted to check in, to let you know I wasn't a flash in the pan![]()
that IS the question of the decade. always been a crap shoot for me and even when i think i got it dialed in i'm still not sure. i be curious to know the answer when you get it dialed in.
Bad news to hear about this.
Non farming coummunity? I'm taking it that he raised no crops to feed his own cattle?
If so thats kind of ironic that the ethonal lobbys inflated corn prices helped put a dairy farmer out of bussiness because he couldn't feed his cattle with the high priced corn.
Maybe thats not what happened but I never thought about that angle before till you posted that. Seems it could happen though.
Back on chainsaw track, I got to run the PP395 the other day. It runs out in the wood well!!
Video to come sometime. :msp_tongue:
bad news to hear about this.
Non farming coummunity? I'm taking it that he raised no crops to feed his own cattle?
yeah, he raised corn, chopped haylage and bought his grain. What i mean about farming community is the network of support business has eroded away. The feed mill is 2.5 hrs away, the milk buyer is in ohio. Heavy trucking costs on all ends. Everything related to farming is a serious drive.
I think we are going to be able to get him fixed up soon. He needs both knees replaced, then fix both rotator cuffs. He had a 5x bypass this summer.
After he gets the knees and shoulders done, then only his back will bother him.
if so thats kind of ironic that the ethonal lobbys inflated corn prices helped put a dairy farmer out of bussiness because he couldn't feed his cattle with the high priced corn.
Maybe thats not what happened but i never thought about that angle before till you posted that. Seems it could happen though.
Back on chainsaw track, i got to run the pp395 the other day. It runs out in the wood well!!
Video to come sometime. :msp_tongue:
Btw, is it me or do these older saws seem to be slightly better quality than the new pos box saws at the depot stores?
That's what I would think. Working on my new-to-me 2300cva, it seems well built. Mag case, wallbro carb. It feels sturdy.
Scored a free 2300 cva yesterday. Simply wouldn't start or run and had a cracked handle. I tore it down last night and have never seen so much oil/sawdust cake in my life. The air filter was completely clogged. I de-caked the filter, splinted the handle, new fuel line, cleaned the muffler, and after some coaxing, got it running. Sweet! My first salvage saw! Needs a new bar though. Current bar is chipped to hell on the cutting edge. I'll flip it over for now, so it'll work![]()
The 5400 is on the bench and almost complete, I ran out of wd40 so will have to wait to finish as the pitch is really thick. This will be it for awhile until I can round up some clutch covers and starter housings, I will get them cleaned up and ready for when I do get them. I made a video of the 8500 in a piece of Hawthorne and thought the tune was close but ended up messing with it about 3/4 through the log and just ended up putting it back to where it was. I will also note that a 8 pin 3/8 on a 28 inch bar in hard wood bogs the saw down a little, but should cruiz right through the softwoods we have around here.
I will have to say this saw is a hoot to run and has to be one of the best sounding saws right up there with the 045 super.