It's missing some screws for the top cover and rewind. Also missing the kill switch and air filter. The fella I got it from says he found the kill switch. I'll have to ask him about the screws and air filter. To me the 'Quick Adjust' bar is goofy, but it'll work for now.
I'm glad that the P&C look good through the exhaust. I'll do a compression test and pressure/vacuum test it later. The chain sprocket looks hardly worn. I don't think the saw was used much, just dirty...but I'll fix the dirty part!
I can hardly believe that the saw will run with the little ports on the
back of the muffler. That will definitely have to be fixed! That piece with the holes in it (Diffuser - as the IPL calls it), is it needed? For support for the front cover?
As for the IPL, it is separated into parts for a Type 1,2,3 and 4,5 and 6 saw. I see that there is a '--4' at the end of the serial number, so I'm guessing that is the 'type' number.
I've never owned or ran a Poulan, it'll be interesting.