I love my 041 and I'm not sure the 3700 will outpower it when the going gets tough but, the Poulans of that era are DEFINATELY more user friendly, the parts were MUCH cheaper, the initial cost was MUCH less, they were (and are) ridiculously easier to work on, and at that time, there were 10 Poulan dealers to every Stihl dealer in this part of the country.
It's just hard to argue with success.
I'll be willing to bet that in the Poulan Lovers Group membership there are at LEAST 3 pickup truck loads of 3400-3700-4000 Poulans that are ready and able to cut a load of wood on a moments notice.
Many of those same saws were cutting wood before the current owners were even born and will be cutting for generations to come.
Would I sound biased if I said that dollar for dollar, pound for pound, day of age for day of age, they are the best saws ever produced?
You bet I would!
But I've been making that claim for several years now and haven't been proven wrong yet.