Feel Lucky
I would like to see that video, honestly. Not for arguments sake, but just to see guys using a machete and a ski rope. Were they islanders? It sounds like things the Aussies talk about. I get the lost work thing. It's just changing. Used to be tree companies had northern European names like Davey, Asplundh, Swingle, and Wright. Now it is Rope's gig and a couple Martinez and Rodriguezes. Labor intensive industries are going to attract illegal immigrants, always will as long as the laws are the way they are.
Well construction was ruined before the tree industry so people in that sector have even more concern over this issue. I can't believe we have to even have discussions about illegal aliens and if it were not for the greed of the wealthy trying to get their grass and trees and construction done cheap we would not have to. Thing is; most Americans are not of the privileged snotty nosed brat society that seems to be running things. I write my senator all the time over this issue and to me they are criminals for not upholding laws of the USA. I have seen the rich neighborhoods that always seem to say good things about illegals because they want cheap yard-work not better mind you, cheap. The majority of American tax payers want them gone and the borders sealed, as they care about their children and grand kids, not because they are racist and you should think before you use that word referring to another human being, instead of using it as a smoke screen to justify treason. It is my full belief that if you employ illegal labor to do anything, you are a traitor to the American worker and need to be put before the firing squad. Their greed is unacceptable and their smoke screen efforts are boring and pointless. I still do not understand why we have any discussion over the word illegal.
Now cheap is in question when you factor in all the tax programs the illegals are abusing, health care,welfare etc.
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