Unfortunately, I think you would find this approach as futile as the "War on Drugs". I'm not saying there shouldn't be laws and they shouldn't be enforced, what I'm saying is that the approach should come from the demand side of the equation not the supply side. What fighting the supply side is easier to quantify and is easier to sell to the average Joe, I think you would get a better return for your dollar fighting the demand side.
So my argument for the immigration issue stands, make life in Mexico better for the average citizen, through fighting political corruption, reducing the mega gap between rich and poor and creating a middle class, then less people will want to leave.
As for drugs, the Prohibition should teach us that banning a product where there is a demand will just lead to innovation on the part of those who want to supply. Compare this to tobacco, where the product isn't banned, but demand has been significantly reduced through other actions. How many people here smoke, but wish they could quit?