Looks like you Warshington folks are going to bring heavy rain with you as always that means heavy snow for me drive through quickly Mad:hmm3grin2orange:
Hey Terry...You coming down to Napa?
Looks like you Warshington folks are going to bring heavy rain with you as always that means heavy snow for me drive through quickly Mad:hmm3grin2orange:
the company you work for is the same as mine, they work hard on finding normal everyday things to costs twice as much and #### it up four fold..
example i've worked on 1000's of generators well i forget to put one in auto, now i have to a paper report along with doing it on our online portal.. and now they are wondering why I've dropped from doing around five units down to three a day..
just a little off topic venting:msp_sleep:
also aaron what saw is tan and brown??
I have been assured by Ranger Sandy Jones that we will find camping places for all who show up. She would appreciate it if folks would make reservations as it makes it much easier to get folks into their spot in a straight forward fashion. But, we have been told that between the 'less than full' nature of November and the planned over-flow camping in Day Use for this event, there will be nice spots for all. If you have any special needs, call Ranger Jones on her line (707) 942-5707 and discuss directly.
For everyone - we had our event planning meeting two Sunday's ago. We had some logistics to work out, so no point in posting until now. In the interim we have had a 'Hazard Tree Survey' (official process by a registered Forester) and we have a better handle on a bunch of issues.
The hazard trees are mostly straight forward problem trees in areas where people congregate and park. We'll take care of most these as part of ongoing ops during the week when we have a low visitor count. But, it looks like we'll have at least two pretty good sized firs that need to come down and could be an opportunity for some of the old pros to demonstrate prudent falling techniques. To that end, please advise Eccentric if you will be interested in working these trees. One might require climbing to top. That will have to be evaluated by the GTG members who sign up as Park Forest volunteers. These activities will be covered in the Saturday meeting at the AV center.
As far as participants, we have the 'Make n Break' engine club from Santa Rosa coming and they'll be bringing some interesting gear including at least one Drag Saw. So bring your show-off pieces and swap stories with these folks and maybe line up some hard to get parts
We think we'll have at least one good 'Cookie" log ready to go. Still working one who will be here to move logs, but we have options so that should be good to go ahead of Friday. We also have some ~24" or so downed Firs in the drainage near the Group Camp that can be cut in place if you are up to that and want to buck in the woods.
All of these special areas will have to be marked with Caution Tape before anyone starts cutting and we'll have to have a "Tourist" watch to make sure some park visitor does not take a short-cut through the work zone while the saws are running. But, that's is to be expected in a public venue.
The Tee Shirt thing is moving along. It's probably not too important at a GTG on private land, but it's the way we are trying to figure out who's who at a glance during this one in a Park with non-GTG folks wandering around. So it's a central element to this one. Price will be $12 to cover heavy weight shirts and printing.
It looks like Off-White Tee's for looky-loo's and family members. They'll be optional for any one.
Orange ones for saw runners. If you are planning to run a saw in the woods or just demonstrate to a crowd or a friend, we'll ask that you sign a release and buy an orange shirt. If you have it on right side out, you should not be drinking and sawing (Park safety policy). If you have it on inside out, you're done sawing and running, and can consume to your hearts content. I'll be curious to see how many inside-out shirts I see during the day
If you sign-up as a Park Forest Volunteer - it's a different release form (Napa County Open Space - the current Park Operator) and a Green Tee. We're hoping to have a significant number sign up as Park Forest Volunteers; but with travel and families, we know that many can't really do that.
For those that can, we'll have work sessions throughout the year as we plan to improve forest health through proactive management. It'll be a chance to engage in advanced activities like re-enactment felling & bucking, demonstrating antique saws & techniques to the kids and or park visitors, working out the logistics of managing distressed trees and really troublesome ones, upgrading and repairing the Parks collection of antique and working saws & gear, etc.
Since the Group Camp is open for the weekend, we're hoping there are enough of you that can communicate and agree to 'bunch up' and camp in a that common area. It will present the maximum opportunity for evening camaraderie and swapping yarns around a camp fire. But, it means tent camping or similar - so those of you contemplating sleeping rough in your tent or truck - maybe communicate that the Eccentric and see if it can work out ... If we can get a minimum of 8 vehicles it'll work out cost wise and a few more will make it the best bargain for the weekend.
If you have lodging questions from here on out - you might like to contact Park folks direct. Ranger Jones number is listed above. Mine is (707) 942-5311 and I can relay messages to Rob, if need be.
Park info here:
Bothe-Napa Valley SP
Bothe-Napa Valley State Park — Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District
I'm hitting them for the 2nd off, it is hard to say at this point, 50/50 chance.
My admin superisor scheduled all of us for our yearly AO training without giving us a chance to tell him what weeks/weekends we had stuff planned. He'd scheduled me for range qualification on the 2nd. No way would that work for me. Got that fixed and took the 2nd off. I hope you can make it down Randy...
Pretty sure it was somebody from S. Oregon. I'll be flying solo. Just to clarify: we're locked in on the date still, yes? Nov 3-4? Just askin' because I'll be arranging for some leave to bookend my travel come Monday. Fire season FINALLY being over and all...
Hey Terry...You coming down to Napa?
OK I have a good running Homelite 2100S that I packed up, with a 36" Roller nose and a brand new 404 chain. I am sending it to Aaron tomorrow to bring to the GTG. If anybody really wants to see another of my saws, I can probably still get it out in time too. Let me know.
Sure as long as I can race with no baffles don't have to shave my beard, wear safety gear all day run a hot saw in flip flops and take a taxi from Russian River Brewery back and forth![]()
i'm not going to judge...
when you come back in the taxi there better be a full cooler...
OK I have a good running Homelite 2100S that I packed up, with a 36" Roller nose and a brand new 404 chain. I am sending it to Aaron tomorrow to bring to the GTG. If anybody really wants to see another of my saws, I can probably still get it out in time too. Let me know.
are you sure you can trust aaron? you just better send it to me i'll make sure it runs good before you get here:hmm3grin2orange:
at least your further ahead than me, 775-d is still waiting for a carb kit that was due in last week and the yellow 660 needs me to tune it :msp_unsure:
Now Dave. Don't you go trying to horn in on my Vintage Iron connections. JP knows full well that if he sends me a saw it will be a runner, even if it arrives without a carb and has a McWelder engine in it.
Sweet, I didn't notice before that you got the McWelder going. I can tell by the way it snapped the handle back, that it must have good compression. Looking forward to running that SOB.
I'll get this Homey off in the mail, and then see about what else I can do. I have a 655 Boost Port ready to go, but not sure of the status of the Super 797.
Leave is approved. All systems "go". Is it OK to show up Friday?
i'll be showing up mid-to late evening after i get home from work make the pregnant wife happy load up a crap load of saws and some camping gear and i'll be there
the carb kit was supposed to be here last week emailed the guy with WTF!!! and he sent another one out asap
worst case i'll be putting on a carb kit at the gtg beliveit or not i have totley forgot about putting a carb kit on the 660:censored:
but for the 1-61 it runs like a dream as it is hopefully i'll have the saws i want to bring all running on sunday
if aaron is nice enough to drop off that nut for my 775
Flywheel nut? Are you going to be at the GTG meeting on Sunday? I can give it to you then, or drop it off on the way home if you won't be there. If you really need it before then I'll drop it off tomorrow or thursday before work.
what time on sunday? And yes, flywheel nut....