Normal Estimate Close Rates

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 11, 2021
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North of the Equator
What is your normal estimate rate close percentage (i.e. the percentage of estimates that you do that turn into paying jobs/customers), for tree removal/trimming work? Has your close percentage changed in recent months due to any economic changes, and do you have a higher or lower close ratio when you get the customer the quote in person versus emailing it to them after you meet with the potential customer/prospect?
For milling i try to quote at .75cents a board foot but seldom get that. I have to quote anywhere from at .60-.70 cents just to get the jobs.

Iv even quoted at .55
the last 2 years I've closed 30-50% which is exactly where I want to be, this year I've closed maybe 10%, and the last month only about 5%, between the election and the current economy its been tough

My phone has rang maybe 10 times in 2 months, I used to get that many or more calls a day, and id have to turn down work constantly, hoping after this election things get back to normal

about 90% of my jobs were closed in person on the spot, if I have to email the customer a quote, usually I lose the job, I try my best to close 100% of the work before I even leave the property after giving the in-person quote