Stihl Wrenching
hey, it's MOTORS where I come from!!!
stihlIT said:A motor runs off electricity an engine runs off fuel lol
Emphasis added.Mr. Webster said:motor
24 entries found for motor. The first 10 are listed below.
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Main Entry: 1mo·tor
Pronunciation: 'mO-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from movEre to move
1 : one that imparts motion; specifically : PRIME MOVER
2 : any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: as a : a small compact engine b : INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE; especially : a gasoline engine c : a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy
ShoerFast said:Lakeside
The point I did wish to make was , engine / moter , tomater / tomatar or per-ignition / detanation,,,, as it is in most realms, about the samething.
stihlatit said:gas spark boom wow.
They are not the same thing. Two totaly differant phenomenon.per-ignition / detanation
Sprig said:I'd stop short of 'av-gas' though
bwalker said:They are not the same thing. Two totaly differant phenomenon.