You could bring a trailer and take home delicious MI blueberries ...
Thanks to all you folks that posted pics & vids!!!! Makes it better or worse, depending on how you look at it, for us dolts, that couldn't make it. Was sure looking forward to seeing some familiar faces again, and meeting some new ones. Like Roger (3000fps). And the rest of the old Poulan clan. Chris & Mark put on a great GTG by the looks of it! Hope its not the last. Believe me I know what it takes to put one on.
Its a shame too, that I couldn't get Tim's (Fossil) chair back to him.I'll just keep it in storage awhile longer.
My favorite pic is that one of Mark H. running that 5200!! LOL I think the yellow blood runs pretty deep in his veins. Probably won't have to compete with him for them green saws.
Don't worry about the chair Gregg. Keep it if you find it comfortable. It was too bad you couldn't make it.
You were missed.
I might note that Mark H said he was pretty impressed with the Poulans he ran. I hope he keeps his buys west of the Mississippi