Pick me up, we can road trip.![]()

Pick me up, we can road trip.![]()
Hell that ain't nothing.
Things may have changed but when we lived in CDA, my SiL came out for a visit and the entire trip though the mountains was at night. How stupid is that?
I'm very, very tempted. Haven't been back to that country for far, far too long.
Nate, what's the name of that bar that has Moose in the name?
And, you should start a new thread over in the Chainsaw Forum. Too many won't come over here to see this.
Meh, I'll take my drive. Through the Rocky Mountains the whole way :msp_thumbup
Atta boy, you comin for sure then?
Paw Paw, we'll be out at Little Brothers. . . Should I swing in and order some bed rails and then complain about it -- I'll even bring a napkin!![]()
Highway 12 is my fave!
Moose's Saloon? LOL
Sawdust on the floor and such. Might have Gary or another mod move this to chainsaws if necessary.
You forgot to mention red beer and the best damn pizza outside Italy...
I drove the highway 12 route on my way TO exile. (it was a nice exile with nice people, just lacked in topography). Stayed the first night in Orofino. I had left the dog arthritis drugs out at my home and the movers had packed them. The Orofino motel folks offered some to my dog. It was hot, and the air conditioning was such a relief. The motel had real recliners in the rooms.
It was hot, and I was tired from all the hurry of the previous days, so I did not explore Orofino other than going to the grocery store and walking my dog in the star thistle. I had been living on the Oregon Coast for several years and used to that climate.
Radio reception is bad, like it gets in the mountains, but I was given a book on tape to listen to before leaving Oregon. You can't hurry on that road. It has a few curves.
Lolo to Orofino is an awesome piece of road, especially on an old motorcycle!
I would love to make it to this and will mark my calendar. I live down the Bitterroot south of Missoula and have family in Kalispell and Whitefish. I am no pro logger just a guy who loves running chainsaws with friends and cutting firewood.
I will keep an eye on this thread as time goes by and we get closer to June.
Is the main plan just to tip trees, buck, split and stack the biggest pile of wood we can so the wood can be donated to the family in need from the other thread? Cutting cookies is fun and all but I much prefer to run saws to build big firewood stacks.
I don't think I am going to be heading up that way anytime soon but if someone from down south here was heading that way I would be more than happy to donate some wood from my stack to help that family out this winter.
I imagine there will be some cookie cutting, but yes, the main goal is to cut and stack some wood for the family. Splitting will be optional, I'm not going to tell folks they have to split wood.
There's also going to be some knowledgeable Timberbeasts there, so I figured it'd be good to get some instruction from them. Anytime I can, I learn from folks that are better than me at something.
It's funny the amount of ugly stumps I see in State and National Forrest, and it makes me wonder why more folks don't die out there? I saw one the other day with no face, and just a back-cut.
Sloping back-cut is by far the most prevalent I see. I think we folks that have worked in the timber industry have a responsibility to educate people on the correct way to do things if presented with the opportunity. Cutting trees isn't funny-ha-ha-time, it's serious, and can easily be deadly. That doesn't mean it can't be fun, but it does mean you DO follow certain procedures to make a dangerous situation more manageable, using tried and true techniques and tools.
You don't use an Oxy/Acetylene torch to cut open a cars gas tank.
That's very generous of you to offer up some wood for this year.
I think, so far, we have received enough monetary donation to get them a couple cord. . . That should finish them of for the year.
Also, we'll need a pretty good head count by the first of May, so I can make sure there's enough food for everyone. My wife and I are going to start getting stuff now, it looks like we're gong to have a pretty good turnout!
I'm also open to suggestions for field trips, or any wood cutting events, or anything like that. I want this first GTG to be awesome!![]()
On the food thing...a lot of people bring stuff and are more than willing to. At the last PNW GTG I went to the only food problem was eating all the food that everybody brought...there was tons of it. One thing that seemed to work out was making a little list of who planned on bringing what...nothing real formal, just kind of a guideline.
And accessories...everybody brings food but a lot of times they forget about stuff like paper towels, paper plates etc. And garbage bags....lots of garbage bags.
SlowP, RandyMac, Brian and JaniMay, can all give you some good pointers, too. They're veterans.
I drove the highway 12 route on my way TO exile. (it was a nice exile with nice people, just lacked in topography). Stayed the first night in Orofino. I had left the dog arthritis drugs out at my home and the movers had packed them. The Orofino motel folks offered some to my dog. It was hot, and the air conditioning was such a relief. The motel had real recliners in the rooms.
It was hot, and I was tired from all the hurry of the previous days, so I did not explore Orofino other than going to the grocery store and walking my dog in the star thistle. I had been living on the Oregon Coast for several years and used to that climate.
I also have a 10 gallon jug I figured we could do Gatorade packs in for refueling during hard work times.