I am an intensive care unit nurse, something I am very proud of. I sold firewood to help get through school,and now firewood is my workout and stress relief. I also kayak and mountain bike, basically anything to get into the woods. I do love a strong saw though. I still sell wood to select customers, since I cut more than I need each year.
Man those are some Pretty pictures.Very similar to the Landscape in my neck of the woods.would love to come Visit Ireland England and Scotland.
I work as a Private Landscaper/Gardener/property preservationist.I work with small bushes and trees mostly but sometimes do logging with a buddy on his side of the lake.pretty cool job I guess.doesn't get too boring.might be trimming shrubs and mowing one day and pouring concrete or swinging off of ropes on the mountain side grubbing stumps with a come along the next.
Been at this for close to 20 years now.went from 1 client in the neighborhood to 3 now.then mow yards on the side during evenings and weekends.
BTW tat the top of that Mountain is the Appalachian trail.Would Have really hated to have been there that day.Of course it would have probably been better than the last time I was up there with the Boy Scouts.100 Degrees F and During a Drought.The Scout master told us we could get by with 1 Gallon of water for a 14 Mile Hike.Bull Schizzle. by the time you Climb Down and back up the Valleys a 14 Mile Hike gets up to 20-25 Miles.No Puddles to Drink out of and Little Debbys to eat don't cut it for a 12 Hour Hike.My Blood Sugar Dropped 2/3 of the way down the Section we went.Probably somewhere at the center of that picture.
Mild mannered desk jockey by day...
My first gig with my employer was on the front lines of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation in SE Michigan almost (12) years ago now.
My free time over the past four years (in the fifth now) has been spent cleaning out 27 acres of dead, mostly standing, ash. I cut, split and sell between 10 & 15 cord a year for exercise and (like mountianmandan) stress relief. The weekends can't get here soon enough most weeks so I can get out in the woods with my tractor, saws, and gear. Usually pack a lunch, head into the woods early to mid morning & come back out mid to late afternoon.
I just can't let all that good ash firewood go to waste
I'm an architect, but there's only so much of this work out here in the country, so I have a side business in land maintenance. I run the saws and my buddy runs the tractor/brush hog, forestry loader and excavator. For work near the road or power lines or to truck wood offsite, we call in another guy who runs a tree service. Helped out with a logging/thinning operation next door last winter and learned a lot. I hang around AS for the saw repair/rebuild threads and new/old logging videos, but these days, mostly for the bonehead entertainment value.