OH Sandy (storm chasers update)

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The weather channel estimated 7000 trees downed!!
The crews from here in KC had contracts before they left, Have done storm clean up many times and would not have taken 5 crews out if it wasn't worth their time to go.
Here's a summary from someone that stayed hoe the whole time and watched the news:

Sandy has really hit the East Coast from the Carolinas through the New England states have been hit with abandon. 7.4 million people are without power. New York and New Jersey have been hit worst than any other time in the history of our country. They think it will be ten or more days before everyone has his electricity turned on. That is really bad for a city like NYC with all those high rises.

Hurricane Irene, for which I had to evacuate Avalon in the summer of 2011, did more damage to Pennsylvania than Sandy has. Cars parked outside look as if they have been painted in gold and brown leaves.

Quite a few residents of Atlantic City refused to leave and were staying put to weather the storm and they found themselves stranded there in great danger late last night when all the roads were closed and no one was able to rescue them. Then the mayor allowed some of them to go to Rescue Centers and the Governor was furious because he believed that the mayor asked people to go there to seek refuge from the storm. Even though the worst of the
storm is over, those people in Atlantic City are in harms way today because it will flood again at high tide. Search and Rescue teams have been sent there today to look for people. The moral of this story is to obey the laws. The governor has sent in four rescue boats and 21 State Troopers to rescue them. Beach blocks look like rivers with fast moving currents of rain water.

In the Philadelphia area, collapsing trees have been the most treacherous hazard.
The weather channel estimated 7000 trees downed!!
The crews from here in KC had contracts before they left, Have done storm clean up many times and would not have taken 5 crews out if it wasn't worth their time to go.

Wherever they are heading, its not to Philly! That's all I AM saying... Jersey, NY maybe... I wish em all luck and getting the job done and getting home safely
Its almost like sandy was playing hop scotch and jumped right over top of us. The news media always shows the worst devistation that they can. There was very few trees down around here, and the ones that did come down should have been removed years ago. The news showed a Norway spruce that fell onto a house, and it had not one needle on it.
Spent all day yesterday looking at jobs and getting the bucket back from having the boom hoses done. Got Blakey upstairs crashed out still. We're rolling out to help rescue a couple old *****'s with a good sized oak across their driveway this am (not hot.. go figure). Got some other jobs on the burner from this thing too. See what transpires.

Oh, and finally got the load of concrete, fencing and vines off the chip truck. They gave me half weight, on account of the concrete. Not bad, actually walked away with $156 cash for that mess!!

Those guys usually are pretty decent, its when you try to screw em they get pissed. I aim to be very respectable to the old canker sore sitting up behind the window watching the scales. He can turn mean quick! Last time I was there he sent someone packing, it wasn't pretty.
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On the fence still, Got ready to roll and got bombareded with over 20k here,My salesman is in upstate new york closing and im buried alive.He should be around 30k closed 2morrow and my equip is a day out. Gotta love the tree biz,starvin or losing.....Glad to here everybody is busy,nice little economy boost. Condolences to those who lost family and friends.(Oh n just on a different topic,all yall need to stop bein #####es and and handle yer crybaby #### some where else,this is a storm thread. Not a My ####s bigger than yers ##### thread)
this is what sandy left for me this morning ! Thanks for that
No hardly , you didn't piss me off , after I snapped out I watched Eward Scissorhands for a bit and went to bed with a big fat smile on my face , now I am up #### showered and shaved ready to go work the "good storm" day 2 ! That's my new way of signing work orders and bills "the good storm" ?

Maybe thruout your work there, you'll get the opertunity to look someone in the eyes that just lost everything, maybe even their closest loved ones...just smile reeeeeeel big, and say "good storm!"
Maybe thruout your work there, you'll get the opertunity to look someone in the eyes that just lost everything, maybe even their closest loved ones...just smile reeeeeeel big, and say "good storm!"

On please ! Make a poster Or a Facebook post about it ! Because your message is lost on me ! No offense but I just puked . :dizzy:
Maybe thruout your work there, you'll get the opertunity to look someone in the eyes that just lost everything, maybe even their closest loved ones...just smile reeeeeeel big, and say "good storm!"

And your spelling sucks , your heart must be a least 10xs bigger then your brain , you illiterate bastard :hmm3grin2orange:
I have a couple builders trying to get me to take on this oak tree that uprooted and is leaning on a house. Its pretty big, limbs tensioned on the roof with the rest sticking up like a full masted pirate ship. The trunk is long and big. I told them you need to get someone in there with a crane, trust me, If I say crane then its a crane and nothing short or its just gonna be sad and dangerous.
I looked at it the other day and told them not to fool around, to call an outfit with a crane, that I couldn't help. They called me today to see if I would go up there and start cutting branches off so they wouldn't lose the job.
Its a pretty straight foreward and easy job with the right equipment, its up on Valley Forge Mountain and apparently the insurance money is flowing like a broke dam so if anybody is interested let me know. I would say the job is worth 4k.
Where ya at ? Be careful down there lock your trucks up tight !

10/4 on that.

Eddie, I am working around Atlantic city and staying Sea Isle. I am hooked up with an adjuster and staying in one of his houses right on the ocean... Nice digs and even better, it's free! :)

Would love to hook up and have dinner before I get out of Jersey. I'll pm you my number.
Im around Baltimore a lookin for some work....on the hunt....
Gotta be getting close. Im 865 miles into this and need to find my bearings.....Right!!!

Forget Baltimore. I was there 3 days ago. Nothing happening there. All the damage is further north on the coast.
Got a call about heading to ct from a buddy's friend that's a contractor there. He said he can get lots of work. Does anyone know if you need a lic to do tree work in ct? I saw on the news in long island a lic inspector was going around and handing out fines and court dates for not having a lic. Don't need that kind of problem. It is a very tempting proposition.