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Well this plan is coming together nicely. The stand is done! Yeh! Weather still holding for tomorrow. Should be as good as I could hope for.

we stack 2/3cord on a 4X8pallet and must have the bush hog and an extra 400lbs on the back to keep from lifting the rear wheels on the mx5000
Well, Baileys has really upped the ante. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS GTG!!! They've blown out all stops on the goodies they sent. I was expecting may t-shirts, hats, you know, the little stuff. BUT NO! Check out the list of items I've got for you guys. Some of the items aren't marked, so I'm only guessing what saw they're for. Correct me where I'm wrong.
- 3 - 372 pistons, 50mm
- 1 - 066 Muffler
- 2 - 263/365/371/372/385/390 Mufflers
- 2 - 372 Adjustable Oil Pumps
- 2 - 036 Adjustable Oil Pumps
- 2 - 026/260 Adjustable Oil Pumps
- 2 - Flocked 260 Air Filters
- 2 - 260 Plastic Mesh Air Filters
- 1 - Domar Air Filter ??? Not sure. Doesn't fit the 7900 but looks like it only bigger.
- 4 - 359 Oil Pump Drive Gears
- 4 - 346/353 Oil Pump Drive Gears
- 4 - 350 Oil Pump Drive Gears
- 2 - Oil Caps, don't know what for
- 1 - Husky Recoil Starter
- 1 - Husky Bar Cover/Chain Brake
- 20-30 - 4.5mm Elastostart Ropes
- 20-30 - 3.5mm Elastostart Ropes
- Lots of posters
We'll have to figure out an equitable way to hand these out.
Thanks again Gregg and Baileys for your tremendous support!
The saws are ready and the truck loaded. I've got 13 saws, no room for more. I'm bringing everything except the really old or super nice collectibles.
- 084
- 076
- 066
- 064
- 460
- 038
- 361
- 260
- 180
- SXL-925
- Makita 8501
- Redmax 3800
Dolmar 401.Whats the saw to the right of the homie?
What are you guys doing at this event? Whats the purpose? Im lost?
Dad and my BIL are coming.Oh man Brad....Don't say its so, your coming down with something. Hopefully its just a 24hr bug. Is your Dad coming too? At least he could drive.
Wow. You weren't kidding were youI had a nurse (friend of my wifes and damn good looking too!) stop by about an hour ago and drain about a cup of fluid out of my arm from the surgury site, feeling much better, so I'll be there tomorrow. I'm leaving here about 7am.