Old guys can be funny...

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The ability to do it myself
. AS Supporting Member.
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
So despite the fact that there those that believe I may be turning into one of them, old guys can be funny.

My neighbor is a man in his early to mid 70's judging by the hard-earned wrinkles on his face, his slight stoop, and gravely voice reminiscent of a classic John Wayne movie. He may be older because when he turns to look at you he doesn't use his neck, but instead has an odd way of contorting his entire body in a way that I've never seen. It's almost as if you have words written upside down on your forehead and he is trying to read them without being noticed. He has offered me a couple loads of firewood since summer because he knows that I burn wood and he does not. I actually use the term firewood with my best effort of utmost respect to those that sell it. The parts of trees that I have gotten from him, while they do technically meet my criteria for the OWB, would not be classified as firewood except by the all-too-common Craigslist poster who wants their yard cleaned up for free. (For reference, my OWB burning criteria is from another AS member, "Did it come from a tree?") I took two loads a few months ago and he called this week to tell me the great news that he had more.

The first time I took it I was hoping for some of the 10-16" Ash that the power company had cut on the right of way through his property. Those guys had cut the trees to perfect 18" lengths that would stack, split, and burn nicely. Alas, I was let down to see a mound of wood disguised as a leaf pile when I pulled my truck past the end of his driveway. When the leaves and bark were swept aside I could see my score - mostly 2-3" diameter and less cut to 8-12" long. This jackpot was better collected with a rake than with log tongs - a wood scavenger hunt of sorts if you will. He mostly puttered around while I loaded up my truck declaring proudly several times that it was all "good Oak". There were a few larger pieces that required splitting - it's possible, though unlikely, that they could have been Oak. More recently they had been condos an ant city with a population of at least 500,000 residents. I found the inhabitants by touching the Fiskars to them whereupon the wood spontaneously combusted into a substance resembling wood dust, not unlike the ash that I remove the OWB except lighter in color. What I was able to shovel up of those went directly to the burn pile.

This time I thought he must have some wood left from the dead standing trees that were removed near his house and propane tank. He had insisted that he had at least two truckloads so I was eager to find the stash as I had removed all of the 57 year old trash wood that he cut as a young man to store on the ground until I came along. Turns out I was mistaken as another leafy pile had appeared where the previous wood-like decaying piles had been. So again, I scooped up whatever didn't slip between my fingers and loaded up the truck. Fortunately for my sake he had overestimated the amount and I was able to fit it all in my shortbed truck and travel home with the tailgate down with no fear of any spilling out. I think it was four loosely thrown wheelbarrow trips to unload it, not counting the loose stuff that fell to the ground.

I'm still hoping that someday this could turn into a score as he has a bit of acreage. And I'm not complaining - I got wood that will (mostly) burn and it helped him out by getting it out of his yard. Price was right and it was just over 1/4 mile to get it. Heck, he probably even feels proud that he "helped the young guy out" with all of the premium wood that was already cut and seasoned. I just found it comical that he and I have slightly different definitions of things. Call it point of view. In a way he reminds me of my grandfathers, so I will continue to endure his efforts to treat me well.

It is good to have well-meaning neighbors! :present:
So despite the fact that there those that believe I may be turning into one of them, old guys can be funny.

My neighbor is a man in his early to mid 70's judging by the hard-earned wrinkles on his face, his slight stoop, and gravely voice reminiscent of a classic John Wayne movie. He may be older because when he turns to look at you he doesn't use his neck, but instead has an odd way of contorting his entire body in a way that I've never seen. It's almost as if you have words written upside down on your forehead and he is trying to read them without being noticed. He has offered me a couple loads of firewood since summer because he knows that I burn wood and he does not. I actually use the term firewood with my best effort of utmost respect to those that sell it. The parts of trees that I have gotten from him, while they do technically meet my criteria for the OWB, would not be classified as firewood except by the all-too-common Craigslist poster who wants their yard cleaned up for free. (For reference, my OWB burning criteria is from another AS member, "Did it come from a tree?") I took two loads a few months ago and he called this week to tell me the great news that he had more.

The first time I took it I was hoping for some of the 10-16" Ash that the power company had cut on the right of way through his property. Those guys had cut the trees to perfect 18" lengths that would stack, split, and burn nicely. Alas, I was let down to see a mound of wood disguised as a leaf pile when I pulled my truck past the end of his driveway. When the leaves and bark were swept aside I could see my score - mostly 2-3" diameter and less cut to 8-12" long. This jackpot was better collected with a rake than with log tongs - a wood scavenger hunt of sorts if you will. He mostly puttered around while I loaded up my truck declaring proudly several times that it was all "good Oak". There were a few larger pieces that required splitting - it's possible, though unlikely, that they could have been Oak. More recently they had been condos an ant city with a population of at least 500,000 residents. I found the inhabitants by touching the Fiskars to them whereupon the wood spontaneously combusted into a substance resembling wood dust, not unlike the ash that I remove the OWB except lighter in color. What I was able to shovel up of those went directly to the burn pile.

This time I thought he must have some wood left from the dead standing trees that were removed near his house and propane tank. He had insisted that he had at least two truckloads so I was eager to find the stash as I had removed all of the 57 year old trash wood that he cut as a young man to store on the ground until I came along. Turns out I was mistaken as another leafy pile had appeared where the previous wood-like decaying piles had been. So again, I scooped up whatever didn't slip between my fingers and loaded up the truck. Fortunately for my sake he had overestimated the amount and I was able to fit it all in my shortbed truck and travel home with the tailgate down with no fear of any spilling out. I think it was four loosely thrown wheelbarrow trips to unload it, not counting the loose stuff that fell to the ground.

I'm still hoping that someday this could turn into a score as he has a bit of acreage. And I'm not complaining - I got wood that will (mostly) burn and it helped him out by getting it out of his yard. Price was right and it was just over 1/4 mile to get it. Heck, he probably even feels proud that he "helped the young guy out" with all of the premium wood that was already cut and seasoned. I just found it comical that he and I have slightly different definitions of things. Call it point of view. In a way he reminds me of my grandfathers, so I will continue to endure his efforts to treat me well.

It is good to have well-meaning neighbors! :present:

yep!! just like the people,,that live in town[wire and nails] and want you to pay them to remove their "valuable" walnut tree,,cause they have "heard" how much its worth,,never mind the hardware,,or the fact,,the bottom has dropped out the market for walnut....:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:
You're making deposits in the Karma Bank. He needs some help and you're providing it. Someday, it'll come back to you in spades in some form or another.
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H R, good on you. Great attitude, you'll do well in life.
So despite the fact that there those that believe I may be turning into one of them, old guys can be funny.

My neighbor is a man in his early to mid 70's...

He's at the local watering hole talking to his cronies about how he got a young fella to clean up the mess of branches for nothing :hmm3grin2orange: .
He's at the local watering hole talking to his cronies about how he got a young fella to clean up the mess of branches for nothing :hmm3grin2orange: .

Yep, I'm the lackey in his version of the story for sure! :D

I'm counting on being one of those guys in the future. A buddy of mine was just talking at shop night this week about the retired neighbors of his - schedules are busy with jobs and two young kids and every time he finds a few minutes to work on something one of his retired neighbors wanders over to see what he's doing. They get along good and are great to have around, but sometimes he's on the "if I don't get the lawn mowed today I don't have time to get to it for another two weeks" schedule.
Well, what happened?

Where did the good stuff go?

I found out something about old guys..just as many skunks as in any other age group.

Just sayin'....
He doesn't owe me anything so I'd hesitate to call him a skunk. He actually offered the standing dead trees to me if I cut them down, but I'm barely comfortable enough to cut the trees within striking distance of my tank and house (I have when it's been required.) Plus they were leaning the wrong way - I suppose that's why he had them taken out. Had a couple of guys cutting them one day so I'm guessing they loaded up the wood in their trucks. I was hoping there was some left over that they didn't come back for.

As far as the power company right of way cuttings I'm not sure. Some of the area is wild/swampy so it may be in the undergrowth rotting away. That's been a couple of years ago since they were in there. I have plenty of deadfall and leaners to work with on my own property that I don't have time for so it's not a big deal, but free wood is free just the same.
He doesn't owe me anything so I'd hesitate to call him a skunk. He actually offered the standing dead trees to me if I cut them down, but I'm barely comfortable enough to cut the trees within striking distance of my tank and house (I have when it's been required.) Plus they were leaning the wrong way - I suppose that's why he had them taken out. Had a couple of guys cutting them one day so I'm guessing they loaded up the wood in their trucks. I was hoping there was some left over that they didn't come back for.

As far as the power company right of way cuttings I'm not sure. Some of the area is wild/swampy so it may be in the undergrowth rotting away. That's been a couple of years ago since they were in there. I have plenty of deadfall and leaners to work with on my own property that I don't have time for so it's not a big deal, but free wood is free just the same.

Well, that's cool then, if you are good with it all in all.

What I said about skunks is true though. Not saying your old guy is a skunk, just that you will run into them and they have had decades perfecting their skunkery and lying and conman abilities.

Just for future reference.
Another young squirt complaining about free wood! I don't know what this world is coming to.

(^^ Father-in-law bustin' me for calling 70 old. :agree2: ^^)

When I start complaining about the firewood I get from you then you'll know I've turned into the "cranky old man down the street" and will be ready for that bus ride. :msp_wink:

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