Yeah, I've seen enough and lost some friends.
And I've been taken, and taken myself, to the ER. It's part of a life of having to do for oneself and ignoring the occasional: "You'll put your eye out!" So I'm just chipping away at it, frequently standing back to envision how to approach the next step in the safest way, knowing that each branch that comes down takes some of the pressure off the shop and gets me another step closer to having the whole thing down. The trailer is my home and, though it's no cherry, I wish to preserve it and not damage it in the process of removing this tree, which has grown so close that I can only open the door enough to pass.
J said: "Those trees'll get you."
Part of my healthy respect for them comes from being badly injured by one, resulting in a fractured pelvis, a painful injury I can only describe as indescribable. While clearing that building site previously mentioned, I was running a backhoe, excavating the root balls of large trees, which I would then push over with the backhoe and cutup on the ground. While I was digging at one tree, a phone-pole sized tree close by, that had rotted through above the ground, snapped off due to the disturbance caused by digging. It fell so directly toward me that, by the time I could detect the motion, I did not have enough time to get entirely off the tractor seat. The blow was mostly taken up by my hardhat and shoulder as I twisted sideways while trying to swing my leg over the seat support tube. It knocked me out cold and threw me to the ground. I did not regain consciousness until sometime after the paramedics got me loaded up and en route to the ER.
One might conclude that I'm accident prone. It's really more that I've lived a very active life full of risks and some of them got me. As a boat builder I work around powerful cutting machines that can do a lot of damage to something as soft as flesh. But, instead of living in fear of these risks, I live with a heightened awareness of them, as most of you pro's certainly must.