So went back today taking a half day off at work, I was ready had a trusty LED light in hand, work gloves, credit card, some cash too...I was going deep into the back of those sheds and spend some money. I made up my mind to offer a couple hundred on a sandcast poulan. Got there and asked about the price on the sandcast Beaird-Poulan 32 with a bow bar......$550 bucks!!!. After I picked my nutz up outta my socks, I went to the shed for a brief cry and realize I was only going in for more junk. I tried to get some more pics and not only did my phone light turn off because my battery was low, but my LED light I brought was low on charge too. Nothing was going my way and I thought I was going to have a great day....lower the expectations even more.
Here's the Poulan 32
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