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whoa it works!
by the way its 11pm right now in this shot.
by the way its 11pm right now in this shot.
It a good service to offer people who have let the brambles take over. I put a lot of thought into the equipment I have. It is very easy and cheap to toss that mower on a pick-up and head out. It is also handy to clear underneath a tree you are doing real quick . When i move I move fast and light, I see no other way these days.
likewise my friend.
maybe you can take me hunting in a part the woods around you where the banjo's dont play.
that would be fine with me!
I understand that but seriously the saplings on my farm were six
to eight inch dbh and my tractor and hog and even myself got
beat up clearing them. I don't think the DR would have tackled
my work. I do understand their value for the small stuff and you
have found a niche that must work for you![]()
whoa it works!
by the way its 11pm right now in this shot.
In some states it is considered a crime to abuse a woods mower. I don't know what the punishment is, I am afraid to find out.
But really, for major areas I rent a tractor and charge accordingly. a lot of people, upon hearing the price, get the mexican landscrapers in there on there kness or do nothing at all.
Got to find the niche, that's been apparent for some time.
I can just see and hear it now: A cantankerous old tree guy running a mower- Vroomm! bang! smash! thump! Screech! Dagnabit! Vroom! bang! etc.
Actually I just completed a rather big job with a rented mower and tractor. The guy said" Holy crap! That is not how they did it last time", so i asked how they did it, he said" Not like that ." I said" I am sorry to hear that."
So ya saying I am an outlawI am if it means not getting r done lol
I would not dream of doing it to someone else's hog but it is my own and its
old so wth if it comes apart and it will, the papers are full of em
For the 300.00 it cost for a decent used one and the work I have done
it was money well spent. If it last till the end of summer I will be done
with the rough stuff so the new hog will be maintenance. Sorry oldirty I
have derailed this post a little, so get back in here and show us Alaska.
Dan, how long you been in biz? Oh, and good to hear about the wife, I was beginning to wonder, lol.
As usual dan, you didnt answer the question-and wtf is a hemmie?
Ha ha like how did I miss this lol, I think its funny how
people think its like that here oldirty, it aint deliverance
more like a little laid back slower than city life! I would
be thrilled to take ya huntin pard but people have got
the wrong idea of us and we aren't wrong turn either![]()
That's not you is it Scott?
so I am gonna go play tag with my wife. I hope I don't lose my concentration cause oldirty sure looks like someone I know and its bugging me to find out.
i can only hope that i dont stop you from finishing this game of tag you speak of!
Yes I did! You asked me how long have I been in BIZ, right? well there is your answer- at 6 I was chopping trees to feed the goats which we sold, hence BIZ!
Hemmie= hemlock
married since 1995- how do you think it went?