Not a good idea to hang on to rod while spinning the clutch off with a impact
Did some grinding. Spent alot of time in the lower transfers, have exhaust startex aswell as bumping uppers to the intake. Havent touched the intake yet.
Im guessing another few hours of grinding.
Intake did injest something. Theres a slight groove in cylinder and piston but it didnt go through the rings. Rings broke free wiggling by hand.
I debated ordering a piston. Hoping itl clean up fine. Exhaust side is free of

any flaws.
Went to get a clutch and chainbrake handle and impulse bought a max flow. They just happen to have one in stock for the 440
Ohhh heres the exhaust side. Its aways from finished seems i spend as much time cleaning aluminum out of burrs as i do shapping ports
I think i may have gatherd enough stuff to bolt this thing together ounce the cylinder is finished. Ive got the hd17 carb soaking over night
Ill probly wait to put the chain brake on till i dry fit a few times. Im debating bumping upper transfers alittle more and want to see where the exhaust is sitting and intake ounce i get going on it.
Was hoping to build this saw in 200 dollar ball park but ive blown that by alittle, crossing my fingers that the dang carb works. Only other carbs i have are a zama and walboro off a 66.
Been in touch with one of guys that has one of my 66s i ported. Hes interested in doing more. Im curious what i did in it, lol
These damn things are fun to build