Opinions Please... Pine Removal

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Alot of move the stones in here:monkey: I wouldn't even think about moving one unless they took care of it. Could you imagine not remembering where one went?

Crane sounds like the only reasonable way to make money on this. I bet Mr. Hack will be holding you up big time trying to move the branches out of the way. If he even shows up.
I know the decision has been made and this in no way criticizes you for bidding on this job.

I was with the "don't move the stones" crowd (potential damage and misplacement in the EXACT spot). But I am also with the why on Earth remove this tree people? And I realize you already stated that this is not up for discussion.

However, how old are these stones? And how old do you think this tree is?

Were the graves placed under the tree, which was very popular in the "old days". Graves were placed under a tree...presumably on purpose.

There are a lot of other trees in this cemetary. Is the Board going to be taking them all out? I wonder how the live residents of this area feel.

They will have a "modern" looking graveyard. No trees, tombstones that are flat so mowing and weedeating is cheaper and only plastic flowers allowed. The sterile look.

I'm requesting cremation....

Oop's I hadn't even thought about the possibility of not remembering where to put the headstones back in place... That could be disastrous.

Not sure where you are located but I have a friend in Wagoner with a crane. If you're close enough he would probably work pretty reasonable..

I am with Sylvia on the Aesthetic looking newer cemeteries, I'd rather keep the tree.

I want a Viking funeral.
You'd be surprised. People are SERIOUS about the graves of their family. You even chip off a piece of a gravestone, you are going to have a lawsuit. (Experienced it.)

I was thinking more along the lines if the tree had fallen on its own and damaged the stones. That would not be bad.

But sure, go up there and huck one out and break a stone, I dare ya. I suppose they would reinstate that " hanging tree".
Yeah man, 150 miles is a long way for a crane to travel for one tree (unless it's a monster).

I got to tell you buddy, no way I would use a crane on that, Just rope what you need to and have your guys clear it from the drop zone. If you can do it in a day with no hauling you'll make out just fine.
What a waste!!! More global warming!!! A nice looking Pine tree like that has to go because of a few headstones.

Why can't the stones be reset and leveled??? If roots are the problem prune them.
Sometimes I cover stuff with a plastic 55 gal drum, things like well heads, wired outdoor lighting and stuff like that that can't be moved but can't be hit. If need be I stake them into the ground, they can take a hit and a half but I wouldn't exactly rely on then solely.
I would not use a crane for this pine either but its for sure the drop zone will get filled up fast.
Priced out a crane (although I don't think it's totally necessary- just make the job go faster) and there is nothing within a 100 miles that a) I would trust on big wood, and b) is priced reasonably.

It's all good, I have ropes, and she will come down as originally planned.

I spoke to a member of the cemetery board today. Apparently they are trying to figure out how to pay for the removal. That translates into "we will call you in a month or two, or six, when we have the money. Thanks for the quote, now we know how much it will be to remove it."

I was led to believe they wanted it out immediately... great.

It's OK, I have to plant 15 Bartlett pears tomorrow, and remove two maples at the local High School on Saturday, so we will stay busy.

Ax-man, I have had lengthy conversations about righting the stones and getting the root system under control. They aren't interested. I love it when people call you because you have the knowledge to handle a situation, and then tell you how to handle it.
Priced out a crane (although I don't think it's totally necessary- just make the job go faster) and there is nothing within a 100 miles that a) I would trust on big wood, and b) is priced reasonably.

It's all good, I have ropes, and she will come down as originally planned.

I spoke to a member of the cemetery board today. Apparently they are trying to figure out how to pay for the removal. That translates into "we will call you in a month or two, or six, when we have the money. Thanks for the quote, now we know how much it will be to remove it."

I was led to believe they wanted it out immediately... great.

It's OK, I have to plant 15 Bartlett pears tomorrow, and remove two maples at the local High School on Saturday, so we will stay busy.

Translate that to we will get the local hack to do it for $500.
I ran into a guy at a seminar years ago who used to bring in junk yard cars and then drop trees on them and then have em taken back for next to nothin.
Translate that to we will get the local hack to do it for $500.

Tree, the local hardware store owner is on the board at the cemetery. He and my old man go back about 50 yrs. I was told explicitly by hardware man that mr. hack will not be allowed to bid the job, and in this little town, that means a lot. At this point, I have the job, it's just a matter of when they are willing/able to afford it.

In other news, net'd 1600 cash today after 4 hours of work out on the lake, heat index was 102 and it sure as hell felt hotter, but 400 bucks an hour to deadwood is a good day in my book. Wish I had more days like that lately.

Wish I knew more home owners with magnificent lake houses and cash burning a hole in their pocket.

That trees a "duck" and not worthy of any major discussion , but what a mess not clearing the brush but hey you can stack it around the headstones and be safe , I agree with treevet completely take it to the camera 3hrs from start to finish and a G is decent for that tree with no cleanup..
Tree, the local hardware store owner is on the board at the cemetery. He and my old man go back about 50 yrs. I was told explicitly by hardware man that mr. hack will not be allowed to bid the job, and in this little town, that means a lot. At this point, I have the job, it's just a matter of when they are willing/able to afford it.

In other news, net'd 1600 cash today after 4 hours of work out on the lake, heat index was 102 and it sure as hell felt hotter, but 400 bucks an hour to deadwood is a good day in my book. Wish I had more days like that lately.

Wish I knew more home owners with magnificent lake houses and cash burning a hole in their pocket.


Now that's more like it. I netted 8 today but was out of there by 2. Cheapskate nickle and dimed me for an an hour or I would have been done by one. He added another tree and said that it was supposed to be in the bid. I had a hard copy of my work order which specifically stated that two trees were to be worked on. I didn't say anything and I went ahead and did it to appease him. I do a lot of work in this neighborhood and 1 tree is not worth hard feelings with anyone in there. Still, he took advantage and he knew it. Then the joker left and made me wait two hours for my check. I had another one to bid down the street but he still cost me two hours on the road. Had banking and errands to run. I didn't make it home until 9:30 tonight. Hotter than a mofo today.

Anyway, glad to hear someone is still making the big money out there. :)

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