Hello and welcome to the site. As you can see from the bottom of this thread I have several old saws. I don't pretend to be an expert chain filler. I use a clamp on guide most of the time to sharpen my chains. They are a bit tricky to use, especiall if the bar and drive links are worn. I use it for my old chipper chains and round ground chisel chains. I don't use the saws much and have lots of time to play around with filling a chain. I clamp on the sharpener and make sure the top of the tooth is sitting perfectly square to the top of the bar when clamped in the guide. Just follow the instructions with the guide. I've experimented with mine a bit to get the chain as sharp as I can using the guide and have had good luck with it. Just take time and patience. You have to know how to set it up, know your different angles you want to file on the tooth and go from there. I do do a little touch up work, free hand during the course of the day while cutting, but as Crofter says the guide is good to use to bring the chain back to shape. You from what I understand have to keep 20% of the file diameter above the top of the tooth while using the guide. I also use a 5 or 10 degree upward angle from the back of the tooth depending on what chain I''m filling. Hope this helps and isn't confusing. Take care. Lewis.