Short timer
Wish you'd stop being so good to me captain
Looking good! Keep an eye on the buildup in your chimney if you’re going to burn that without letting it season. Chimney fires are no joke!
No, it's pretty quiet actually. Once in a while something spurts, but we're right there and the screen is up.That's a bunch of nice firewood! Has it been popping? Maybe more so when it dries out. Keep that screen up.
My experience has been a long bow normally uses a 2:1 Leng to draw or better. Example: 30 inch draw 60 + inches minimum length of bow. Unless a bow is backed (rawhide in old days) Pull has to be part of the equation. My draw is 28 inches. 28 x 2 = 56 inches BUT because I think safety I'd figure a 30 inch draw. (My brother might pull my bow) so that's a 2 x 30=60 inch minimum Now for safety I'd build 66 inch bow. But that's just me. Also the back and belly wood is different too. There lots if info on bow making. I've carved my own bows since I was a kid. I'm thinking about trying trying the PVC bow. Maybe a cross bow. At 75 the time will come when pulling a bow won't be anymore fun. On a side note. We kids used to make bows and arrows and shot snakes and frogs pinning then to the creek banks. My brother was the best shot. By the time he was 12 he was amazing. We threw knives and han axes too. He was the best at that. By 18 I was a better pistol shot and faster. Yes, we were a wild bunch. Hunted our meat, grew most of our food. We're all old men now. Things were a LOT different back right after WW2. No telephone. No AC. I guess I was 5 or 6 before I saw a flush potty. Boy could I run. I loved running. I have a daughter 32 Masters degree. She won a scholarship running. Ran 20 mile marathon in junior high. My grandson runs 30 miles. I broke my leg up badly in 1974. Had to stoo running. I still dream of running. Some are just born to run. My 7 year granddaughter loves running. Working indoors for a few years almost killed me. I love the pure spirits in nature. The smell of the wind the woods, lake water. The night sounds. I have a wild undomesticated God made of all good spirits. I can't understand a Domesticated God with 10 toes and a human body. Good luck.Thanks for your note. How long would you estimate that bow to be?
I gives me joy seeing you enjoying nature so much. You have a good soul.Here's what it looks like at the road waiting for the township and their big chipper. It may not look like that much, but when you're dragging those branches by hand and carrying pieces in a wheel barrow, it takes some time. Had a neighbor come by and ask for pieces to make chairs for little kids. Not sure this is the right wood for that, but they took some.
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Next project is to clear the lot of weed trees like these:
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and these to the right of the shed. Small stuff. I'll have to be sure I keep my saw out of the dirt.
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