Hmmmm...lot of snivelin' going on up there.
Hmmmm...lot of snivelin' going on up there.
Hmmmm...lot of snivelin' going on up there.
Well here comes the floods snow level goin up to 5000 feet today with heavy rain to wash all the low level snow away oh joy fortunately I live up on a plateau if we flood think Noahs ark for everybody else
No cheap shots here...Just funnin'...
As long as ya don't start drivin' railroad spikes into trees and chainin' yourself to them...
Hmmmm...lot of snivelin' going on up there.
your silence had me concerned you'd think "Now that PNW GTG doesn't sound like much fun with a loud mouth blue hair hippie hanging around..."... i'm really very likeable... well, kinda <grin>...
never done the railroad spike thing, but have chained myself to earth-moving equipment-- that was back east and not related to logging...![]()
I'd charge money because we all know from the ones that come up here in their Caddy SUVs that all Collyfonians are rich.![]()
The Subaru made it UP the road to the gathering yesterday, it was going DOWN the hill that got a little exciting. The Subie wanted to go sideways, I did not so it was me whipping the steering wheel back and forth and uttering some unoriginal language which the Used Dog is unable to tattle about. Not only that, but trees were partially out in the county road, a deer, a dog and a pedestrian had to be dodged. Boy, those non threatening grades sure look steep when they have snow and ice on them. I think snow increases the grade of the hill. Maybe double.
i am so glad you are out of reach... today is Day 10 of my "held captive by snow." My poor little vibe has so much snow on it, it's profile looks like an econoline van. Chains wouldn't help, as the car is so low...
and yesterday we lost power for 5-6 hours... i am getting a bit testy about all this.
Bob, next time you start whining to me about sumthing, i'll sure give you the grief as you are just not being very sensitive on THIS subject... payback will be very fulfilling!!!![]()
Gee...wizzz Guys, We lived off of the grid for 13 years at a 4500' elevation, worst winter was 5 months being able to get a rig in, mild ones maybe 3-4 weeks or less. Would duel up the rear on a Honda ATC 185 three wheeler and with a couple mile trip in & out on snowshoes we had a trail packed to run it out to the rig.........
until the nest snow.opcorn:
My poor little vibe has so much snow on it, it's profile looks like an econoline van.
Snow on it? I figured your vibe would have gone through several sets of batteries by now since you're house bound...
Wait... I think you're talking about a different vibe than I am.![]()
They let you guys run studded tires up there?
Snow on it? I figured your vibe would have gone through several sets of batteries by now since you're house bound...
Wait... I think you're talking about a different vibe than I am.![]()
They let you guys run studded tires up there?
Studded snow tires are allowed on vehicles certain months of the year. Studded snow tires are very seldom seen on vibes unless they're in Alaska where the winters are really tough. Or so I hear, anyway.
Gee...wizzz Guys, We lived off of the grid for 13 years at a 4500' elevation, worst winter was 5 months being able to get a rig in, mild ones maybe 3-4 weeks or less. Would duel up the rear on a Honda ATC 185 three wheeler and with a couple mile trip in & out on snowshoes we had a trail packed to run it out to the rig.........
until the nest snow.opcorn:
...and it was uphill both ways.
...and it was uphill both ways.
LMAO Bob ...and we had to eat dirt... and we were thankful.
Wish I was as tuff...
I'm still figgerin' out who won the duel... the guy or the Honda...