captain dangers
partner 1633B (skil) chainsaw
the chain brake is a modern addition, it wouldn't have had one originally. C.DI was given a Partner saw SN1008958 16" sprocket nose 3/8. Bar is OK, chain is toast.
See (you suck-2018)
I am having a tougher time than usual to ID this item. It is probably around a R15 or R16 as it is a rigid handle. However it has a two part ignition and has no points, so I assume it is a "T"version. All the pieces except the clutch cover are black without a spec of yellow anywhere except for a later brake type clutch cover, which is all yellow. I had seen somewhere that the R15 was the rancher version of the R16 and is the reason for the black paint.
Can anyone please help clear it up for me-thanks