Not sure why you think pay is crap no vs "back then"?
I started working as a kid in the 90s for $5.15/hr. Adjusted for inflation, that is $7.98. I don't think any state has min wage that low? Here it's $9.75.
I don't normally have trouble finding people to work, but keeping them is a different story. Either they are a good worker and are smart and find easier work (haha) or they realize that they actually have to work for a wage and "it's too hard". Sorry, but if I'm outworking my workers, something is wrong!
The mindset of "go to school and you'll be handed a cush job" is a load of horseshit! Guess what, the country needs ditch diggers just as much as bankers. I'd rather be knee deep in mud with a shovel in hand than have to wear a suit and tie in an office. Each their own though.
These kids coming out of high school have been Mislead.
They've been mislead by their Teachers, guidance councilors, coaches, family members, & even their parents.
They've been told all their lives they can do whatever they set their minds to, but they need a 4 year, or an 8 year degree, or they need to excel at some sport.
The Reality is,
1. Skilled Trades most times typically pay more than the 2-4 year Degree programs, with the same to much less time invested.
2. The chances of being a professional athlete are pretty slim.
Now I'm not knocking Sports, but Reality should factor into the equation at some point: it's playtime for crying out loud.
To be fair, It's not completely the fault of the people above, as those people have just regurgitated what they've been indoctrinated in.
I started noticing this in my area 15yrs ago when I was the pupil, but in reality, this has been going on for 2-3 generations.
A long time classmate & friend of mine, & myself had a guidance councilor get very upset with us because we wouldn't commit to going the Academic
Route after High School. We both more than had the grades, but had no desire Go Get A College Degree In Something, just because it was a degree.
He was pressured into Engineering School, & didn't last a year because he didn't want to go that route: this was a High School Honors student. He chose a path that he truly enjoys as a Shop Technician at a local dealership.
I became an apprentice with a Heavy Equipment Dealer, & went thru a 2 Year Program they participated in, along with the Big Time Heavy Equipment Manufacturer.
The year I completed my Apprenticeship, & went to work full time, I grossed more than my mother did.
I'd been an apprentice 1/2 the year, & she completed her 12th year in administration at the Local University.
When she saw my W-2, she was genuinely pissed that I'd grossed more than her: she had been indoctrinated in the belief that Education is the Answer.
Education is Not the Answer; it should be considered an avenue to gain legitimate employment, but not THE ANSWER.
Skilled Trades aren't only for the people who couldn't make it at a University: right now those Skilled Trades are the most straight forward path to Meaningful Employment.
I could name off instance after instance where some young lad, (or lady,) went the 4 Year Route at a University, completed their degree, & have since abandoned their pursuit of Employment with said Degree.
They are paying off their School Loans, as well as living off of the Trade they have acquired since becoming aware of reality.
Check out the Mike Rowe Works program: Skilled Trades are in high demand right now; I'd say more so than most College Degree Career Paths.