Originally posted by TreeJunkie
this will be my last attempt to reason w/ you...You may be the first person i'll actually place upon ignore.
Ummm, I don't think you tried any reason Brandon, just started to lay into him.
Maybe I should call you Rocky Jr.?
I guess FLA16 did not read a lot of the posts here, or he would have been more prepaired for the flames.
I do have to agree with some of the intent , if not the method of the critisism.
A real tree worker does not cut on a tree just because the client wants them to, he will try to find a resolution between the clients wants and the trees "needs".
Leaves are what contain the photosynthetics the plant uses to produce more tisssue. We call green tissue "dynamic mass" because it keeps the tree alive and growing, on a young plant it could be green bark too.
By removing too much, of this dynamic mass the tree needs to go into stored reserves to flush out new leaves. When you do a prune at 11 & 1 the tree is allways trying to catch up, grows slow, and is more suseptable to insects and diseases.
We would gladly try to help you learn more about tree care and physiology if you would like.
Next I will explain why hooking a trim is bad. If you would like me too....