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Re: Without Spikes???

Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
How in Hell am I supposed to get in the tree without spikes???

:laugh: :laugh: :jester: :jester:
Originally posted by TreeJunkie
Lmao that's a good one.. Where's that guy been...

Obviously mr artifarts is a total troll. I'll vote for a vote to ban if anyone else cares to get it moving. What a turd.
I wasn't trying to be over critical, I just saw an immense amount of things going wrong. I can come across a little too harshly I suppose; just remember it was suppose to be some form of constructive criticism. Well, thats me just a rocky jr. Mr Cackhole! :)

hey treeflunkie
im in favor of a vote for a vote. whatever the hell that means.

I dont wear a uniform or a hard hat. I dont use any safty ropes either. All I have ever climbed with are spikes,a saddle, and a safty belt. I have NEVER fallen. And i have jobs lined three months ahead of me, so can u leave us red-neck climbers(florida16/me...) alone please.
What is nonsence? You perpetuate the image that tree workes are on par with garbage pickers.

You don't work in a fashion that the industry accepts as safe, so you drive up W/C costs. It's not just aboput falling, but the stick in the ey, as mentioned previously, hearing losss, carpal tunnel...

The you refuse to learn tree physiology and do the same thing all the time, because yo are making money cutting wood.

You admit to being an ignorant, unsafe hack, so why would you object to me saying it?

If you say you are not unsafe, but do not wear basic saftey gear, then you are oxymoronic too.
Re: nonsence

Originally posted by 056 kid
I dont wear a uniform or a hard hat. I dont use any safty ropes either. All I have ever climbed with are spikes,a saddle, and a safty belt. I have NEVER fallen. And i have jobs lined three months ahead of me, so can u leave us red-neck climbers(florida16/me...) alone please.

First of all...that's a statement a little kid would make. "But I've done it before!" You're playing with fire and haven't been burned yet. YET being the key word.

Just because you have three months of work lined up means nothing about your safety...we're not trying to be a nuisance, we want to talk sense into you so you don't become another statistic.

Being a 'red-neck' climber is not anything to be proud of. "Scrub" is the word we use in the lawncare industry...I'm assuming that's synomonous with 'hack'. It brings the entire industry down.

That will get me looking for the ignor button now..First time too,.


Snipity snip snip, let us do the policing, just ignor those you think are idiots- mr moderator
It WAS ALL true!!

Originally posted by Derek

That will get me looking for the ignor button now..First time too,.


Snipity snip snip, let us do the policing, just ignor those you think are idiots- mr moderator


Sorry to try to calm chit down, this has me real PIZZEDOFF
I don't know if we are on the same page...the other site I'm refering to....let's just put it that we like our coffee. My user name is AssistSuper. It's not eLSe where though.
Wow, I am not here to start a riot, I'm here to learn everything I can about tree work, a limb about 3/16 in diameter came back and slapped me in the eye the other day, I couldn't see out of it right for 2 hours, I WILL be wearing safery goggles from now on...

As for being a hack, maybe I am. But I can guarantee I know more about trees/climbing than any other 16 year old in a 100 mile radius.
I guess you must think a 16 year old climber SHOULDN'T be a hack, I mean, come-on, how much did YOU know about climbing and trees when you were 16.

Like I said, I'm not here to be another "statistic" or start any harm. If I were to be banned from here right now, I still would come back and read the threads, only because this is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
Also, this weekend I am going to go buy some chaps, ear plugs (not muffs, the plugs) and a few other things.

Thanks Derek and I loved the pictures, sometimes that lanyard can get stuck, you just have to flip it/play with it a little sometimes.

Also, I want no part of being called a "redneck climber". If anything Ima "Thug/Ghetto climber" before Im EVER a redneck...
Also, hes about ignorant for no safery line, my friction hitch is one thing I use 90% of every climb I do.

Well, Ima kick back and wait for the flames I reckon...

all ill say is go for it chad just remember to keep it simple,and stay attached.:angry: theres a flame for ya bro:angel:
Originally posted by Florida16
this is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
Also, this weekend I am going to go buy some chaps, ear plugs (not muffs, the plugs) and a few other things.

You're young, try to keep your options open. I thought i knew what i wanted to do when i was 16, but after i studied it for 2 years in college, i knew it wasn't for me

Strong work on the PPE brother, it's worth it. I've never had anything happen doing tree work, but i took a nail in the eye once (long story). After a week in the hospital i now have an eye with a plastic lens that doesn't focus, meaning everything is out of focus. Thank god my insurance picked up the $30,000 bill. Funny thing, without the insurance, the hospital would have turned me away, I would have wound up blind in that eye, maybe even a glass eye.

didn't really wanna make this an "advice from an eldor post", but i guess thats what it turned out to be, sorry
I'm trying to be patient, awaiting answers to my two repeated questions, Chad.

Originally posted by glens
Lets assume that Daniel also started tree-climbing full-time at the age of 16.  That means he's 5 years ahead of Chad, experience-wise.  Even that difference in time sounds a little like the teacher who's been assigned a class teaching an unfamiliar topic which requires staying at least one lesson ahead of the class.

Chad, <i>were</i> you "beginner" here and what does your company insurance carrier have to say about you operating power equipment and/or leaving the ground to work?

Just curious.


IDK, All I know is that it covers 4 family members and 1 outside of the family...
Originally posted by glens

If you're doing something for pay, particularly on a regular basis, you are a professional.&nbsp; That does not mean, however, that your performance is at a "professional" level.

What have you heard from your insurance company regarding limitations due to your age, and have you ever posted to this site as "beginner"?&nbsp; Just a couple of questions that seem to be on your ignore list...


I don't know what you mean by posting at this site as a beginner, because I was a beginner to the site when I was a junior member, also I'm not a "beginner" in treework IMOHO, I have enough experience/practice/skill to do what I think needs to be done 90% of the time. But I DO have back-up climbers waiting whenever I need them to handle the stuff to big for me right now...
I'm talking about a <i>username</i> here at AS of "beginner".&nbsp; Not the one which has appeared with one post since the original (and all their posts) was removed from the system. (some vestiges remain such as this and replies following in the same thread)

And I'm not talking about health insurance or whatever it is you're thinking of.&nbsp; Obviously, if both the ground guy and climber you introduced us to are not family members, <i>one</i> of them </i>is not covered</i> by whatever policy it is you're talking about.&nbsp; I have business liability insurance in mind.&nbsp; You really need to discover what it is you have and what your limitations are under the policy.&nbsp; This is for your own good and for the future of both yourself and your dad.


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